Tuesday 26 June 2018

..GOOD _a Coming back post,

..to All Good peoples,
I want to tell you something at very first while i am coming back to my writing hobby again that what do you think??
Do you think its actually very tough to be GOOD?
Do you think its actually hard to be GOOD?
Do you think that every good peoples always have to be suffer at everything??
Do you think that this world is to rude to GOOD peoples at behave, respect & react??
Do you think GOOD peoples have to sacrifice everytime?
Do you think GOOD peoples always have to lose their sides even though they are right??
Do you think GOOD peoples never complain and demand anything in return??
Do you think this all is really a tough way of GOOD people???
Do you also think this all is relating to you as you are a GOOD one??
then my dear friend,
i want to answer this all the things and blames in one sentence,
that by reading this, if you related your self to this, to a GOOD person,
then don't you think, this all is the only thing actually which defines a GOOD PEOPLE??
Think again,
If you are really GOOD then this is what all have to happens with you actually,
so if you are passing through this,
make a proud
you are GOOD,


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...