Tuesday 16 March 2021



She has fallen in love

She has been hurt before

She has spent endless night crying

She has been disappointed

But she didn’t let that disorganize her

Because she now realize who she is

She is done swimming in pool of pains

She has to stand up and dust herself up

She knows she is a divine feminine

Born into the universe to glow

She is meant to soar like the eagle

She is Sagittarius and loves to run fast and free with a glow

She knows she has to continue her journey to achieve her goals

She knows her success has to rise like the morning sky

She knows she got independent hands

And don’t need pity of any man

She is strong enough to face her own journey

She has faith in herself and she won’t be intimidated by anyone

She won’t let you get the best of her

No matter how much she has stumbled

Her faith and strength still remains undefeated

She is in tears but yet she is able to say ''am ok''

She is soft but yet powerful

She is practical and spiritual

She is the independent, strong woman



  1. She is appriceate ur vision of thinking to write about her inner strength

    1. ...thank you so much to SHE, with lots of love...



. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...