Tuesday 23 March 2021

..my Yellow Rose,

...as I bathe in her beauty
and I walk in her light
she takes my breath away
like love at first sight
My Yellow Rose,
to her I belong
she is my unwritten tale,
my unfinished song
no where else but with her
do I belong
awaiting completion,
awaiting our song
no where else but with her
do I belong
My Yellow Rose
My love, who
I have been waiting my whole life long
My Yellow Rose
My summer's kiss
My life, my love
My one true bliss
I send you my love sealed
and enveloped in a kiss
You are mine;
The one I'm forever to be with
If ever we are apart
Just know you are the sweet someone
I'd definitely miss
You are my everything
You are the reason that I exist
For to be without you .   .   .   .
Makes me not want to live
Like a shadow existing in the sun's
alighted pathway
You are the light you bring to
My each and everyday
For without you
There's nothing more to say
Except you without me
Isn't something that's suppose to be
For you are the half to complete the rest of me...


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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...