Friday 26 March 2021

...your Hug,

...She hugged me today.
Once or twice.
It was the only time
Only time she actually hugged me

Like flashbacks,
That hug.
It plays back in my mind,
Over and over again.
I experience every detail Again.
As if it were my first time.
The first time she gave me that hug.  
The first time you gave me that hug.

Every emotion
I felt,
I feel them again.
Every thought
That crossed my mind,
I think them again.

Every unsteady breath
That I took,
I take them again.

I've experienced them,
Because of that hug.
And because of that hug,
I experience it all again.

She actually saw me.
She noticed me.
She hugged me...
And I hugged her back.
I slept like on her shoulder.
And she let me.
Wow, She let me..!?

That hug.
Her hug.
I remember feeling her
I actually touched her
I was looking...
Looking for something to hold.
My hands grazed against them,
Her fragrance,
As I tried to grasp
Onto to her well-fitted top & well settled hair,
While she held me close.

Her intentions.They were friendly,
Of course.
But when she held me close,
I felt so secure.
In that moment
I was safe,
Everything was okay.
I was sure.
I felt just i was alive

you made me feel safe
With that hug of yours
It was clean, pure & miracle 

I've never been hugged-
Well I have, but..
Not like that.
Never before.

I've never been able to forget
The way her arms felt
Wrapped around me
In such a reassuring
And caring way.
I never will.
And probably to you,
It was nothing more
Than just *A Hug.
And that's all it ever was.
And all it ever will be

A hug from a caring friend

But to me..
*that hug, it meant so much more
As it gave my self to me in a seconds,

Hug, Your Hug,
My dream address it becomes
From the moment i had that HUG,


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