Wednesday 27 April 2022


Baroda city was sleeping.
Loneliness was growing. The mist was enveloping.Boarding down from ships. The wind is walking on land.I’m crying locked up in a glass cage.Loneliness surrounding me. It’s torture.

Your thoughts are making me go sleepless.
Moon didn’t kiss me and offered me a coffee in the morning.
She’s not here to blow out a speck falling into my eyes.
Why aren’t you here with me to calm my ruffled mind?
I’m here and you are there.
These moments of loneliness are like years for me.
Sea is here blue is there. Have we become a paradigm for it?

Baroda city was sleeping.
Loneliness was growing. The mist was enveloping.
My pen writes imposition of your name in my diary.
My pen acquires sweetness with ants swarming it.
Though it’s chill out here.
Why this hotty summer has turned into winter this moment?
If you come, my dear.
Even cold ice will burnt into lava.

The city of Baroda was asleep.
Loneliness has been rising. The mist has been enveloping.
Boarding off the boat. The wind is walking on the field.
I cry locked up in a glass cage.
The loneliness around me. The loneliness around me. It’s a torture thing.

Monday 25 April 2022

...UnLoving Him,

I unlove you
I don't care if it's a neologism
It's my heart you imprisoned
And I unlove you for that

You were everything I wanted
Because I love everything you're not
I love it a lot, like a lot a lot
And I love what you don't look like
I've fallen head over heels for
Whose personality you don't resemble
I long for the way your kisses differ
How the *** isn't as curricular
But of course that's not enough

I want to want you
And "you" is an easy word to rhyme with
So that's what I won't do
See how easily I'm distracted away
From what you've got, what I can't say?
Because all I know is what you don't relay
How we share a not-so-bad day
I've got a question... if I may

I should love you for what you've got, right?
For all you are and not for who you're not, right?
If this holds true, we'll descend from the spotlight
'Cause I don't care about who you are, just who you're not quite
I unlove you with my whole heart
And I refuse to dig any further
I like to love everthing you're not about
And I pray that's okay with you


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...