Friday 27 January 2023


The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the 
pen tip spreading its ink in a dairy of a young boy, deserted by his parents. He lives in an orphanage, but 
grew up hating the feel of love. Deep inside he wants to leave the orphanage, he don’t want people to 
show him care, his fleece heart was turning into a rock, while these strange things was ruling his mind, 
one new morning arose with drizzling rain drops hitting the new born buds and the soil spreading its 
scent, a old man walked with a completely wrinkled face carrying a new born infant in his hand was 
walking towards the orphanage owning a sense of fear in his face , when the whole orphanage was in 
the prayer hall Arjun who hates being with people was writing his diary, and when Arjun was distracted 
for a moment and looked outside the window he witnessed the old man dropping the baby wrapped in 
pure white cloth in front of the orphanage gate, and walked back without even turning back. Arjun the 
little boy was shocked, the baby was dripping itself in the drizzles and no one came to pick her, for the 
very first time Arjun’s heart was beating fast , he couldn’t escape from his inner feelings, he never felt 
pity for anyone in his whole life , he was fighting with his inner feelings not to run towards the baby, but 
then the next second when the little one started crying he lost his conscious and ran out from his dark 
room , rushed towards the gate and picked her, yes it was a girl ! Arjun for the first time felt himself 
kissed by the breeze and touched by the drizzles; then he looked her owning an innocent smile after 
coming into his warm hands. He then carried her to the prayer hall where everyone was drowned in 
shock that how come Arjun can hold a baby? Then he handed her to the nun and explained the story. 
The nun tears filled in her eyes held her and named her “Helan” in the prayer hall, the nun also had an 
inner feeling that this girl baby will be the sunshine in Arjun’s life. But Arjun had other plans, when the 
entire orphanage was celebrating the new arrival of the baby; Arjun used the chance to run away from 
the orphanage, he was in search of a world where he could avoid human care and love, he chose his 
passion in investigation, Arjun grew as a detective with a complete cold heart, on the other side Helan 
grew up wrapped by love, 18 years of rising and setting of sun passed by. Arjun grew as a successful 
detective and was assigned now to move Mumbai to destroy the kingdom of a growing sultan. The heirs 
of a crime master, yes twin brothers. Arjun packing up the case files in his leather bag dropped two 
things on the floor, one his old diary which he wrote 19 years back and then a photo. Arjun then sat for a 
moment and remembered his heartbeat that day, drowned in the flashes of her innocent smile , he then 
came back to reality and wondered about the photo that he dropped down and unfolded the case file 
and came to know that the twin crime partners own a brother of age 22 , Darsh who supports them by 
hacking systems and provides network security, there was a additional note that he is a passionate 
hacker and has no involvement in the crime activities cooked by his brothers but do support them. He 
then decided just to prey on the twins and started packing his bags and moved towards airport to 
migrate to Mumbai. Arjun after completing all checking formalities was waiting in the hallway soon to 
get into the flight, where he heard the sound of heels hitting the tiles and turned his feeling-less rugged 
face to the entrance where he found a girl dressed in white cotton frock with tender eyes, free hair, pink 
lips, and a makeup free natural face with dark eyebrows, yes it was Helan, moving Mumbai for her 
higher studies. Arjun was speechless looking at her, he was just floating in the waves of that old day 
where he took a little baby wrapped in white towel, Arjun then sighed out where he witnessed the same 
drizzles staying drop by drop on the glass of the hallway. When he was floating in the memories of thatday, Helan sat near him and he was touched by her soft fingers, it was not on purpose, but it disturbed 
him. Arjun for the second time in his life felt that weird heartbeat again. Within few fractions of seconds 
all the passengers were asked to get into the flight, then Arjun sat in his seat where his row-mate was 
Helan. Arjun didn’t expect that but felt a strange happiness still maintained serene. Helan then faced 
Arjun and gave him a cute smile and said “hi”, Arjun never appreciated people’s care, hence he just 
replied her “hi” and turned to the opposite side, Helan was little upset by his behavior, and still she’s too 
positive to handle him. Slowly it was the times for the flight take off. It is Helan’s first air way travel, she 
felt a stream of wars inside her, she then held Arjun’s hands so tight that he couldn’t guess what she
wants, he was confused by her behavior for some seconds, and then slowly looked into her eyes which 
was closed too tightly and her teeth biting her lips so hard, he understood that she’s in fear, and let her 
hold as it is. It is the second time and the same person Arjun opens his cold heart, his hands was turning 
ice without blood flow arrested by her tight hold, still he didn’t utter a single word to her. As minutes 
went by flight came to a position and Helan came to conscious, the very first thing she witnessed was 
four small tearing of skin with bad hiding of blood liquids, she then felt bad and felt sorry for Arjun’s 
wound, Arjun being a detective those scratches was nothing to him, he looked into her eyes without any 
expression in his face replied her “I am fine”, but Helan was in guilt she opened her minion toy bag and 
managed to find out a band-aid which looked too childish with minion prints on it, and she stuck that on 
Arjun’s hand, Arjun found a strange side of him being silent with these care by Helan. Before Arjun could 
react over the band-aid, Helan looked into his eyes and told him that it was her favorite band-aid 
owning an innocent and cute smile in her face. Arjun was turning red, he couldn’t find the reason for his 
strange feel, and he didn’t react back to her and turned again to the opposite side and closed his eyes. 
Helan imagined that Arjun was disturbed by her, and felt a little sense of guilt. Arjun staying beside her 
felt calm and slept at peace for the whole travel, yup! Its true yaar ‘time waits for none’, the flight 
arrived Mumbai and it’s time for them to depart! Helan noticed that Arjun is in deep sleep and left a 
sticky note on his band-aid,’A travel to be cherished, and you are a part in it, hope you have a good day!’
when all the passengers went down Arjun was woke up and was about to take his bag with him where 
he noticed a note stuck on hid band-aid, as Arjun read those wordings in the note he was a little melted 
because he made no one feel that he’s important and he never let anyone to care him. He was happy 
for no reason, and as soon as he went out of the port he got into a taxi and on his way all he did was 
reading that note again and again. N no time he reached his new apartment, and the very first thing he 
did was removed the band-aid with care and treasure both the band-aid and the note in his diary. He 
then went and refreshed himself with a hot cup of coffee in his balcony viewing the busy city. When he 
tasted the caffeine sips his eyes focused on his little scratches in his hands, oh! Wow Arjun smiled for a 
moment. But this isn’t him he’s here for a mission, he then spend a whole week collecting all the details 
about the twin partners, where he found that they’re about to sign a agreement soon, he was curious to 
know about the deal, hence he decided to show up, the meet up was in a coffee shop, Arjun went well 
planned and managed to sit behind them to get a clear ear of their conversation. For the first time he is 
about to meet his opponent, it was not the twins who showed up, it was their dealer, then Arjun found 
out that the deal was too smooth where the bosses don’t meet and the deals are passed only by loyal 
assistants, Arjun being disappointed was about to leave the café but then he heard them exchanging 
code words ‘next’ asked the dealer and ‘400028 – RC’ replied the representative assigned by the twins. 
Arjun hearing this casually moved out, Arjun was thinking about the code, where he opened the café door and suddenly found Helan rushing towards him and hugged him from behind and shouted ‘please 
don’t move, save me’, Arjun was suffering from an unexplainable happiness, but then was red in anger, 
he couldn’t tolerate that Helan was disturbed someone he then asked her that what happened to her in 
a rugged anger tone, she was closing her eyes too close and just pointed her hand in front of him, Arjun 
with red face and angry eyes noticed nothing suspicious but a Rottweiler, Arjun then understood the 
whole story and calmed down himself with a smile, he then realized that Helan is still hugging him and 
again felt his fast running heart, he turned red again, but this time definitely not in anger!. Speechless 
Arjun helped her come out of the café and felt butterflies in her hug. Pity Helan only after crossing the 
street realized how she was hugging him, she then looked into Arjun’s eyes and thanked him putting the 
same innocent and cute smile on her face, she gave her little hands to him and said ‘nice to meet you 
again, this is Helan!’, Arjun as soon as he heard the name he was shocked, yes completely shocked, 
because Helan was named on behalf of Jesus before his own eyes, Arjun didn’t even delay for a single 
moment hugged her so tight that she could barely breath, and told her that ‘my cold heart is made for 
you’, Helan pushed him and released from his hold and ran away, she knew nothing about Arjun and 
was disturbed by his behavior, Arjun then laying in his bed was rewinding all his memories of holding her 
for the first time in the drizzles till hugging her back again, he then decide that this will be his last 
project, and to love and live with her for the rest of his life! Arjun needed no proof to accept that she's 
the little baby. His inner feelings were that strong toward her. Feelings apart he have to complete this 
mission now , when he was decoding that code, he found out that it was a pin code and R may refer to 
right and C refers to a club. He then showed up there dressed in a way that he stole even men's heart 
out there. He was the only sweet in the whole buffet. His clue was right he saw Darsh out there, Darsh 
hacked the surveillance services all out there, and then Arjun was carefully approaching near Darsh to 
watch his actions, in no time he noticed a man walking towards him with a pen drive. The man handover 
the pen drive to Darsh and informed him that the agreement copy is attached as a file and to inform his 
twin brothers to sign them. He also warned Darsh that the pen drive must be handover very safely since 
it is an important deal their brothers were trying since three years. Arjun was terrified because the twins 
were already the leading crime partners and now it would obviously be an international deal, if this deal 
is once completed it would be too hard for him to erase their history. He then decided to spare even his 
life to get over the drive. As soon as the man went Darsh released his strict body and unbuttoned two 
buttons of his well pressed shirt and ordered a shot, Arjun was planning to own the drive meanwhile 
Darsh noticed a beautiful girl dresses in red, with no makeup in her face, her tender eyes filled with 
tears standing in a group where they were forcing her to drink, yes it was Helan, Darsh similar to Arjun 
never felt pity for anyone in his life till date and never cared anyone except his twin brothers. For the 
very first time her tears made him go crazy, he then went near her and holder her hands and dragged 
her along with him, Helan was of course clueless still her only motive was to get out of them so she 
came with him with her head held down. Darsh brought her to the corner of the club, gentle wiped off 
her tears and asked her about the group, Helan replied that they were her college seniors and they 
forced her to attend the club today. He clearly felt that she had no interest being there and she was very 
much disturbed by the surrounding and felt uncomfortable with the dress she was wearing. He first 
holder her hands and took her into the club and ordered a glass of water for her. Rewinding a little back, 
when Arjun missed to notice that Helan was being bullied, but noticed that Darsh got distracted, that’s 
when he took that drive from his pocket and went into restroom and quickly copied that file in his PC. Now Arjun will have to meet with a mixed emotion of being happy that he got the file and when he
stepped out he’s about to see his love of his life being comforted by his opponent. His steps to open the
restroom door was nearing, luckily Arjun missed to notice Helan sitting with him, his sight only viewed
the side pocket of Darsh, to replace the drive there. Arjun’s motive is never to just know their plans, it is
to destroy them. Hence he just copied them and replaced it successfully. Darsh for the very first time felt
a strange kind of pain in heart as soon as he saw the tears staying still in Helan’s eyes. ‘Are you out of
your mind?’ he questioned himself. Darsh couldn’t move his sight from her eyes, Helan was too
disturbed that she could barely utter a word, Darsh differentiated hid feelings that it wasn’t lust, but it’s
something which could melt him, as soon as he realized he’s felling for her, he remembered his identity
and for whom he works, he then for the very first time felt the fear of missing someone, who he just
met as an accident. He don’t want to continue to grow this feel, hence he dragged the water glass which
he ordered near her and asked her to calm down and reach home safe and rushed up move out from
the place. When he ran away with a weird feeling playing aloud in his heart, by mistake he hit Arjun’s
shoulder, but didn’t even shoe interest to look even his face and went out. Arjun being confused by his
behavior looked to the place where he sat where he saw Helan sitting there with a disturbed face. Arjun
then rushed to her and asked what happened to her, Helan was shocked to see him, she feared him, as
already she was bullied by the seniors, she turned to the glass Darsh offered her and drank it in a hurry,
where only after drinking that she realized that it wasn’t water. Arjun misunderstood that Helan is
disturbed as he hugged her the previous day, and slowly went near her to explain everything, where he
can smell the flavor of alcohol, and then Helan eyes closed fell into his arms, she wasn’t completely
conscious . Arjun’s can hear his on heartbeat, he then held her in his hand and took her out of the bar
into his car, corrected her messy hair and looked her soft lips and her wet eyes half closed, yes he wants
to stand still there, but oh! He has to drive her home. He then managed to bring her home and laid
down her in his bed and comforted her. He then touched her forehead and his fingers slowly touched
her eyebrows where he controlled himself and was about to move out of the room, suddenly Helan
pulled him towards her and whispered in his ears’ be with me mom, I’ve never felt your touch
comforting me’ and kissed his beard and she slept. Hearing those words from Helan, Arjun’s felt his eyes
dripping tears for the first time. There’s no more time for emotions, he have to complete the case given
to him first. He then opened his PC, and read all the details about the new deal the twins are gonna deal
with. Sketched a clear plan to destroy them, when he was drowned in his work, the night brightened to
a new fresh day, the reddish orange rays was glittering his hall, now Arjun stepped into his bedroom to
wake her up with a hot cup of coffee. Helan was sleeping like a small polar bear; her cuteness was too
much for him to bear it with. He then woke her up gently, she then slowly opened her eyes and found
herself in a party dress and the hardest news for her to accept was it was Arjun’s house where she is.
She rolled off from the bed in fear and suddenly dragged the bed sheet and covered herself completely
and looked at him. Arjun was smiling looking at her behavior and told her that she accidentally drank
alcohol yesterday which was the reason he brought her home. Helan then realized that Darsh in an
unstable condition offered her his drink. Arjun asked Helan to fresh up and drink the coffee first and
explained Helan the whole story from the orphanage till yesterday. Helan went speechless and with
tears filled in her eyes asked Arjun, ‘Even at the time of deserting me my mom didn’t show up?’ Arjun
don’t know how to answer that question, but told her that it was you who was the reason behind me
running away from the orphanage, either I would have just grown as a hard stoned man, and would have failed in finding my own self. Both became emotional and Helan for the first time touched Arjun’s 
face and promised to stay with him whatever the situation is, he in turn promised that this would be is 
last assignment and he’s focus on living a peaceful life with her after this. Arjun also asked her to move 
away from hostel and to move in with him in his house, he also told he don’t want just these cement 
and bricks to be called as home he want it to be carved by her love. Helan smiled and nodded her head 
and settled her head in his shoulder. Days went by, Helan and Arjun drowned them deep in love, day by 
day both got addicted to each other. Arjun was giving his fullest to complete his last order assigned to 
him and announced his resignation after the task, all were going good and as per his plan he and his 
force are about to trap and encounter the twin brothers in two days, Arjun as the date was nearing felt a 
sense of fear of losing Helan if it was his last day, because he know the risk in it. He knew that he mean 
the world for Helan. He pushed himself so hard to prepare all the security measures to return safe back 
to her. Yup! It was the day; Arjun as soon as he woke up realized Helan was sleeping in his arms, and 
whispered in her ears to stay strong I will return back to you safe, Helan being half awake replied him’ I 
believe in the depth of our love, I have no fear in heart, I know you’ll return back to me’. Hearing her 
words made Arjun strong and he moved away kissing her forehead. Arjun and his team with clear cut 
focus trapped them successfully and encountered them, yes! Everything went on smoothly, but is the 
story, nope! Darsh was soon informed with this news, he then rushed to the place, meanwhile Arjun 
already send off those force back after the encounter, now he was the only one out there, as soon as 
Darsh reached the place Arjun had no other go than to surrender him all the truth about the encounter, 
Arjun warned Darsh that he had no criminal records and to look over his passion. But the twin brothers 
were the only relation Darsh had; will he forgive Arjun killing his own brothers? Definitely NO. Darsh 
started to attack Arjun in a harsh manner, he promised to kill him, they both were fighting hard that the 
chance of only one surviving was confirmed. Fighting and running on the streets finally drive them to the 
stadium where Helan was practicing for her college cultural. She then noticed Arjun wet in blood 
attacking the other person so bad and equally getting hurt by him. Suddenly both of them rushed into a 
chemical laboratory, where Darsh found the fire extinguisher and grabbed it, meanwhile Helan rushed 
into the lab and when Darsh was about to hit Arjun, the weighted metal can was hit in Helan’s head and 
she pushed Arjun into the elevator but by accident Helan pushed all the chemicals down which formed 
gas leakage completely in the room, Darsh confirmed that Arjun was dead, but also found Helan on floor 
losing her blood by the hit. He then lifted her and rushed to the hospital, Darsh eyes with tears and 
shattered heart was rewinding everything that happened today, he lost his brothers, he also paid back 
his revenge, but then, what now? Within blinking his eyes, his whole life is disturbed now. When he was 
travelling in the shades of the past the doctor came out of the surgery room and informed Darsh that 
Helan remember nothing and it’s up to him to handle her. Darsh at that moment have no hope how to 
divert his life after this incident. All he has is to hold Helan’s hand forever, he then slowly stepped in 
Helan’s bed, looked at her eyes and saw her as his complete hope now. He explained Helan that how 
she’ll be, how childish she used to behave, how innocent she used to be, and everything, hearing all 
those things Helan believed that Darsh was the one who used to observe her, they slowly build their 
relation, Darsh followed his passion, now slowly when Helan was recovering she fell in love with Darsh, 
they were moving close each and every day, Darsh decided to propose Helan and ask her to marry him, 
but one question was still shouting so loud in his mind that why did Helan come forward to sacrifice her 
life for Arjun? But then he believed that he’s dead and his story ended 6 months earlier. Still the loud of his confusion one day mixed with the fear of losing her. That day when he went to hospital to meet 
Helan, he stayed too silent, he just watched Helan and her innocent smile for a while, Helan with a cute 
smile asked Darsh, why is he sad? Darsh slowly went closer to her and said, will you stay with me 
forever? Helan replied him ‘no’. That pulled his smile down, but soon she whispered in his ear that,’ I’ll 
stay with our daughter’. Darsh’s heart has no space to store that much happiness, his legs were flying 
and he kissed her forehead and went out running like something, Helan was red in shy, she was smiling 
as she was the one who proposed by mistake. She didn’t mean to make the first move. But Darsh still 
felt a strange fear within him, where he noticed Arjun stepping towards him on the hallway of the 
hospital. He couldn’t believe his own eyes; the one who died 6 months ago is still alive? Yes! As soon as 
Helan pushed him in the elevator, it closed, he wasn’t exposed to any chemicals but a large storage can 
fell in his leg due to which he was not able to walk for 6 months. Arjun didn’t know that Darsh love 
Helan and Helan now doesn’t remember Arjun. What will happen next? Arjun forgave Darsh as he was 
the one who saved Helan. Darsh now questioned that why Helan did saved him, he then explained the 
complete story to Darsh, now it’s up to Darsh to reveal the truth. But he didn’t, h respected the depth of 
their love, he believed that Helan would definitely gain her memory if she meets him at once, because 
their story started with him being his mom at first. He then hugged Arjun, in spite of him being the one 
who killed his brothers; he knew that they deserve that ending; Darsh holding Arjun’s hand with heavy 
heart told him THANKS! Arjun couldn’t guess the meaning of the word, the only thing filled in his mind 
was to see Helan back, now Darsh decided not to disturb them move away to another city and to follow 
his passion, just PASSION! Stepping down the stairs, his mind was playing the flashes of her smile, the 
fragrance of her smell, the tenderness of her eyes, the softness of her hand, his heart was too heavy and 
mind was too loud for him to bear it with. But will this be the ending? Definitely no. Darsh planned to 
move Canada and was sitting in the airport, now the picture rolls near him, a little girl child dressed in 
pink, with her pinky cheeks smiled at him, yes! He adopted a girl child which was the last words of 
Helan. Helan never failed to give reason for both of the stone hearts to live, now its turn for Arjun to be 
a good husband, and Darsh to be a good father. Both these men own a heart made of rock in which her 
name was carved!

Happy ending! :)


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...