Monday 10 May 2021

...her Mom,

I was excited while moving towards her home to deliver her fruits which she asked for. Was excited like i was going on a date. She was going to look at me, that vision gonna give her a lot peace and strength for upcoming days. So i was going importantly for that. And i had her call that she is not available at home, please deliver that fruits to my mom.

Ohh, it was so demoralizing. But i reached positively at her home. I stand in front of her home's gate and i called her mom to ask for picking fruits. She received a call and told me that i am coming.

She instantly came and wow. Something great i felt. Its was late evening which was not giving enough light to notice deatiled face of her but actually i could. I could beacuse her face was lighting like a moon. Brightness of her face was attractive. Her eyes and smile were major attraction. She was energetic. She was strong and smooth. She looked lovely.

I noticed that she came like in hurry that may be she was already in middle of something. She came in hurry like she wanted me to wait for no time. She came in hurry like she was so respectful for me that i came to deliver specially.

I noticed her sparkling eyes, which was shining after been wiped with so many tears ahead. That eyes were showering blessings like vaccine of that every pain she faced.

I noticed her bright face, which was brightening after been wrinkled with so many age of time she faced in sorrow. That face was spreading happiness like everyone's need which she could not achieved.

I noticed her smiling lips, which was adorable after been silent in so many situation which is just accepted like deserves. That smile was pampering like answering all the bad time she had to faced.

She told me politely.

"'..sorry to give you such trouble.."'

I can understand what she meant to be but how could i say that it was completely not neccesory.

I am sorry actually. That i just noticed but could not convey the same to her.

I am sorry that i could not tell her that you are not giving me any trouble, you are sharing me your trouble. Which is proud for me.

I am sorry that i could not tell her that this is not a trouble. If i could not do anything in this time, that will become a trouble for me.

I am sorry that i could not tell her that this trouble is not a trouble. As for me, you are my family too.

But its okk. I said that its not a trouble at all.

Honestly, she was beautifull. Beautiful like i could imagine two big things which are making me so happy from inside.

First, that i could found that she used to be much more beautifull when she was at the age of her daughter.

And second, i could found that how beautiful her daughter will looks at current age of her mom.

I just love her mom like mine.
I just love her mom like her.
I just love her mom like mom.


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