Saturday 1 May 2021

...your Innocence,

Your Innocence is beauty, your Innocence is rare;
Your Innocence is a wonderful thing to share.
Your Innocence is graceful, your Innocence is elegant;
Your Innocence is the enchanting music the angels chant.

Your Innocence is what makes an adult from a child,
Your Innocence is where we came from before going wild.
Your Innocence is carefree and is not confined;
Your Innocence is sin-free, heart, body and mind.

Your Innocence is not ignorance nor naive,
Your Innocence is true and shouldn't be deceived.
Your Innocence is honesty, pure and white.
Your Innocence is unstained, the light of the night.

Your Innocence is worthless once it is gone,
Your Innocence is a gift given by One to one.
Your Innocence is cared for and cherished,
Your Innocence once given will fade away and perish.

Your Innocence is a treasure indescribable by literature,
Your Innocence is a word out of art and science, past or future.
Your Innocence is love, or so we thought before;
When your innocence was with someone they don't even know anymore


1 comment:

  1. .....Your strength
    He is like a magic box, the more I get to know it the more I get to know something new about him,
    Someone has rightly said that life always gives tough role to best actor, he is the only man in my acquaintance who makes this sentence meaningful, he has fulfilled every character in the best way, he is best son, best brother, best friend, he It doesn't mean that I deserve what I get like others, but it focuses on whether I really deserve what I get,
    He is a good writer, a good thinker,
    His strength is his understanding and life is his teaching, he knows very well the good hidden in all,
    He has so much love that he can make even strangers fall in love in a moment, his voice is so sweet that it can enchant anyone,
    If I write, the word is missing but it is not described,
    All I have to say in the last is that in the exam of life, this strong morale of yours will not stop you from moving forward, so you will never let yourself get lost.
    Don't let the pearls of your love, faith, positivity fall in this troubled garland of life



. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...