Saturday 28 August 2021

...she for him,


I am not supposed to want him.

I am not supposed to care,
and yet I spend my time dreaming of all that we could share.
I am not supposed to think about him
or wonder where he has been,
but no matter how much I fight it,
thoughts of him sneak in.
I am not supposed to ponder where he is each night,
but he creeps into my vision when the stars shine bright.
I am always wishing he was here,

I hunger for a hug,
and I long to draw him near.
I am not supposed to imagine where he is
and what he does.
I am not supposed to need him.
I know these things. I do.
And yet I can't help myself

because I fell in love with him.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

..My Motivation,

Looking back on all our years together,
It is amazing and inspiring,
To realize how far we’ve come,
How close we’ve grown,
The tough times we’ve endured,
And happy times we’ve shared.
Reflecting on the past and looking ahead,
I want you to know that after all this time,
What I find most amazing and inspiring…
Is you
I would leap the highest buildings,
I would brave any kind of danger,
All for you.
But I will never have the courage to do one thing,
To give you up.
Something we like and treasure together.
Something called, being a friend,
we have blended, nice and tight.
That’s here to stand, by my side.
With lots of love, you give to me,
remember this, at every time, you are my friend!
We’re going through this life, side-by-side.
Nothing, or no one, can come between us,
This is the way it will be, we agree.
even though, we are so far apart,
I’ll never stop being your sweetheart.
This is the way it will be, I know.
You’re the one who can make me laugh,
You’re the one who makes me feel good inside,
And you’re the one I want to live beside!
There has been so much hurt and so many tears,
But look we are still here;
And stronger than ever.
And I can honestly say that this is forever.
I thought of you, just yesterday, the day before that too.
For every day, good or bad, you’re always on my mind,
I hope you understand, the way I feel inside.
You’re exactly who I want, in every way.
You always make me smile, it’s nothing new,
Just remember this, I’m thinking about you!
Heart to heart, both always in motion.
So powerful this love, linked as one,
It’ll never go out, it’s as bright as the sun.
Always a candle, forever lit.
No one will separate us, forever we’ll be,
Always together, you and me.
Seeing the sun set
Hearing the rustle of leaves
Were never so aesthetic and sensual
As they have become since I met you
For you are my butterfly
You are my inspiration
The love of my life
My sunflower
through the worst of storms.
Leaning on the arms of love,
and never need any more.
I’ve known it all along.
You are my one true love,
My world.. My heart.. My soul!
Your nose, your lips, your hair, your feet.
I will never stop loving you,
You are so amazingly sweet.
I love that I love you,
I have loved you from the very start.
I now hand you the key to my heart.
My love, my life, my eternity.
With you there is no end,
Let’s hold each other, our love to tend.
One thing is for sure in my heart.
You finish the circle throughout my life,
Like a never ending fire through the night.
And for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You’re perfect and so is this love that we share.
I love you more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I’ll do anything for you as long as I live.
The day we both say “I do”.
And the gift that we will exchange.
The gift we’ve saved our whole lives to give that special one.
So forever you will be my one and only.
The one and only love of my life.
Together forever, cast in stone
Together forever, never alone
Together forever, even after their last breath
Unconditional love, like me and you
And my only light,
I get gloomy,
When you go out of sight.
My love for you,
Is so very true.
My love for you,
Is like sea.
Gives me peace and motivation,
That powers me.
And now, as I live in this moment,
I would move the largest mountains,
We have something, that holds us tight,
And, you’re my one and only true friend,
We can’t be undone, that’s the way it is,
I really want for you to know,
You are my other half,
I’m always thinking of you, that’s nothing new,
You’re everything I need and everything to me,
Flowers to flowers, oceans to oceans,
My soul is your soul, never it split,
Listening to the rain
Caring for each other,
This is how I feel for you,
Love all of you,
I look at you and can only see,
In this chaotic world of ours,
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I can’t wait until we finally belong to each other.
Eternal love
Together in life as well as in death
Unconditional love between the two
You are my love,


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...