Sunday 24 April 2016


..Que: Short note on HOPE. (10 marks)


- Hope is a very unique thing of our life.
-Hope is the term which actually help us and motivate us in working on something.

* Definition,

"'..It can be define as a term of brains feeling which actually helps our body to work in specific criteria which actually calculated by our brain as a Hard or Impossible work.."'

*It can be classified in two types,
1. Positive &
2. Negative

1.Positive Hope,

"'..It is a hope which actually done by a human beings in a condition of best self condition and working criteria which is potentially possible for that particular human.."'

2.Negative Hope,

"'..It is a hope which actually kept by some peoples in an over confident conditions or some how in a time period where his/her specific feeling became more important against everything.."'


-Hope is useful to restart or boost up to an efforts where Humans were stopped some how by any natural or man made situations and their self confidence were just killed or got low.
-In all conditions of life where you are living positive and your all thoughts which are actually running in a right way for helping positively to your surrounding environment, Hope is very important thing.
-Hope is able to complete that all work which were dropped by you as a failure or some times helps to motivate to do an efforts in a work which actually certified as impossible already.

-Its easy to carry,
-Chip in cost,
-Long validity,
-Available for every condition,
-No any selection criteria,
-Helps in Completion of work,
-Help to work with your maximum potential,
-Helps in concentrate,
-Never let you fail, if it used specifically.

-Hard to handle,
-Selection is hard,
-Operating is complicated,
-Errors NA
-Hazardous for happy life,
-Harmful in over dosage conditions,
-It can be waste of time in wrong selection condition,
-It will never allowed you to think about more in applied condition,
-You may be deprived from your bestest,

NOTE:  HOPE is very useful and by default thing in Humans, it has no replacement, better usage is the best way to avoid its harms and failure, Updates required must,,


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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...