Saturday 27 March 2021


My heart beats slow, calm, and steady
When you’re not near,
But when I see your face
It beats quickly and unclear,

Feelings for you that I did not want
Ones that I tried to fight,
Developed so quickly
And filled my heart with fright,

The thought of losing you
Fills my soul with sadness,
Knowing you will be gone from me
Causes my heart such madness,

When you’re not near
I wish that you were,
And when you are
My emotions begin to stir,

I miss you already
And you’re still within my reach,
Soon you will be gone from me
A lesson forgotten to teach,

When will I learn
To not fall again,
To avoid these things
My heart keeps asking when,

I do this to my self
Cause myself this pain,
But sometimes I just can’t help
To do it all over again,

The timing is wrong
It always seems to be,
When I want something so much
Life does this to me,

I remembered that first quick hug,
With proud after sudden poem,
That made me shivering,
Than 3 more to changed the game,

That all 3 was from your side,
I was been squished and hide,
I felt all of them so warm,
equal from sis, love and mom,

I never had that kind of ever,
Nor i have give for sure,
But i need that now forever,
Or may be just required once more.

The way that im feeling
Is oh so very true,
I can’t help these feelings
I fell in love with you!


Friday 26 March 2021

...your Hug,

...She hugged me today.
Once or twice.
It was the only time
Only time she actually hugged me

Like flashbacks,
That hug.
It plays back in my mind,
Over and over again.
I experience every detail Again.
As if it were my first time.
The first time she gave me that hug.  
The first time you gave me that hug.

Every emotion
I felt,
I feel them again.
Every thought
That crossed my mind,
I think them again.

Every unsteady breath
That I took,
I take them again.

I've experienced them,
Because of that hug.
And because of that hug,
I experience it all again.

She actually saw me.
She noticed me.
She hugged me...
And I hugged her back.
I slept like on her shoulder.
And she let me.
Wow, She let me..!?

That hug.
Her hug.
I remember feeling her
I actually touched her
I was looking...
Looking for something to hold.
My hands grazed against them,
Her fragrance,
As I tried to grasp
Onto to her well-fitted top & well settled hair,
While she held me close.

Her intentions.They were friendly,
Of course.
But when she held me close,
I felt so secure.
In that moment
I was safe,
Everything was okay.
I was sure.
I felt just i was alive

you made me feel safe
With that hug of yours
It was clean, pure & miracle 

I've never been hugged-
Well I have, but..
Not like that.
Never before.

I've never been able to forget
The way her arms felt
Wrapped around me
In such a reassuring
And caring way.
I never will.
And probably to you,
It was nothing more
Than just *A Hug.
And that's all it ever was.
And all it ever will be

A hug from a caring friend

But to me..
*that hug, it meant so much more
As it gave my self to me in a seconds,

Hug, Your Hug,
My dream address it becomes
From the moment i had that HUG,


Wednesday 24 March 2021

...your Smile - 2,

Your smile.
I think to myself.
Please just smile.
Something about your smile.
your sweet, simple, **** smile.
It razzles my brain.
How can one person go on living
without seeing your smile?

Your smile,
your lively, loving, lush smile.
I can only go on for just a short while
without seeing that wonderful smile.
Something about it flutters my heart.
and thats just the start.

Its like you have a secret,
a secret only you know,
a secret worth smiling about,
a secret that puts a twinkle in your eye.
A secret that makes me smile,
how do you do that?
I want to ask, I really do...
How can you just smile
and make me think of sunshine
and beaches and everything sweet?
How can a smile dig down that deep?
Everyone can smile, everyone does.
I see a hundred smiles a day.
Your smile,
your moving, meaningful, mezmerizing smile.
What is it that makes your smile so sincere?
I thought I might have to pounder this thought for a while.
but then i just thought,

Its just becuase its YOUR smile.


Tuesday 23 March 2021

..Missing You,

I’m missing you like crazy
I think I’m going mad
I simply can’t stop thinking
of the special times we had.

Each moment lasts an hour
Each hour lasts a day
The clock is ticking slowly
Just because you went away.

I need you here beside me
I just want to see your face
To feel your precious heartbeat
And be lost in your embrace.

I gaze out of the window
And look up at the moon
I play the waiting Game
And pray you’ll be here soon.

They say hope springs eternal
Well I only hope it’s true
For I can’t bare the emptiness
That comes from missing you.

_keyur_everything Yellow Rose, I bathe in her beauty
and I walk in her light
she takes my breath away
like love at first sight
My Yellow Rose,
to her I belong
she is my unwritten tale,
my unfinished song
no where else but with her
do I belong
awaiting completion,
awaiting our song
no where else but with her
do I belong
My Yellow Rose
My love, who
I have been waiting my whole life long
My Yellow Rose
My summer's kiss
My life, my love
My one true bliss
I send you my love sealed
and enveloped in a kiss
You are mine;
The one I'm forever to be with
If ever we are apart
Just know you are the sweet someone
I'd definitely miss
You are my everything
You are the reason that I exist
For to be without you .   .   .   .
Makes me not want to live
Like a shadow existing in the sun's
alighted pathway
You are the light you bring to
My each and everyday
For without you
There's nothing more to say
Except you without me
Isn't something that's suppose to be
For you are the half to complete the rest of me...


Sunday 21 March 2021


I'm not sure what happened
to everything we had.
One minute it seems
like things are near perfect.
The next I know,
they have all fallen apart.
What happened to talking for hours?
What happened to you making me smile?
I can't answer
any of these questions,
but there's one thing I know for sure.
The way you've treated me,
I wouldn't wish on anyone else.
Even thought I don't want to admit it
the things you did hurt.
You hurt me to the point
I can't stand seeing your picture,
or even hearing your name.
I wish I could say
I don't care about you anymore
but the truth is,
I'd be lying.
In the past I said
that I didn't deserve you,
but after everything that has happened,
I've changed my mind.
Truth is,
you don't deserve me.


Saturday 20 March 2021

...your Smile,

I can’t help but smile with you.

You collapse all my strength

And take full control of my soul.

Your smile drives the beat to my next breath.

It makes me sing.

It makes me focus on your lips.

When you smile, your eyes smile,

They just explode in an impossible beauty.


Nothing is as powerful as your smile.

It brings out your powerful beauty,

It highlights your strength,

And it shows a glimpse into your soul.

It says what other people would shut up about.

It opens doors, roads, and worlds.


The sun turns off to watch you smile,

As if embarrassed for not warming the world enough.

The sky melts down and breaks apart in disbelief.

The moon and every star take a peek

During the daytime to witness

That unbelievable grandeur that your smile is.

Your smile saves my day

And makes my night.

It gives me light when it’s dark

And dims the blinding lights of the world.


Your smile breaks my impenetrable husk,

Like finding the tiny slot in a pistachio shell.

It just cracks me open and makes me be a part of you.

Your smile is genuine,

It is happy,

It shows your unmatched inner beauty,

The only thing that surpasses your amazing presence.

Your smile speaks to me like a guru.

It tells me to be alive and touch you.

It encourages my senses to focus on you.

It makes my heart choked up.


I can smell your smile light years away.

I can touch it, I can taste it.

Your smile has a life of its own.

It stops the clock and my heartbeat.

Your smile makes me fall in love with you

Over and over,

Deeper and deeper,

Closer and closer, every time I see it.


I was reborn when I saw your smile for the first time.

It made me go back years

To remember the happiest of happy.

To see your smile is to experience perfection.

Artists, writers, painters, poets, and gods

Wish they had your smile to inspire them.

I am the luckiest because I do.


Your smile makes me tick,

It makes my heart beat,

It makes me feel alive.

Your smile makes me want to cry

With the most joyful of cries.

It feeds my spirit and makes me want

To make you smile forever.

My mind craves your smile

Like a little kid crave his candy.

My bloodstream is full of your smile,

Like lchor in god’s veins.

It pumps into my heart

To bring life to every corner of my body.

It is in the oxygen I breathe

And the water I drink.




When you smile my world regains

Its peace,

and I realize why I exist.

-- _keyur_everything

Tuesday 16 March 2021



She has fallen in love

She has been hurt before

She has spent endless night crying

She has been disappointed

But she didn’t let that disorganize her

Because she now realize who she is

She is done swimming in pool of pains

She has to stand up and dust herself up

She knows she is a divine feminine

Born into the universe to glow

She is meant to soar like the eagle

She is Sagittarius and loves to run fast and free with a glow

She knows she has to continue her journey to achieve her goals

She knows her success has to rise like the morning sky

She knows she got independent hands

And don’t need pity of any man

She is strong enough to face her own journey

She has faith in herself and she won’t be intimidated by anyone

She won’t let you get the best of her

No matter how much she has stumbled

Her faith and strength still remains undefeated

She is in tears but yet she is able to say ''am ok''

She is soft but yet powerful

She is practical and spiritual

She is the independent, strong woman


Saturday 13 March 2021 Traveller,

..Dear friend I can't explain to you
How much you mean to me
If it weren't for you I can't imagine
Where I'd even be

You've made me laugh and smile
More than I can bear
You've helped me through the hardest times
When I was in despair

You kept me up when I was down
And I was feeling blue
You helped me turn my life around
And become somebody new

Thank you friend for everything
I'm glad you really cared
Thanks for never leaving me
Thanks for being there

You are finally my new jerry,
And on my life's cake, a perfect cherry..

I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away;
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today

I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears;
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears

I'm here and I will stand by you,
On each hill you have to climb;
So take my hand, let's face the world
And live just one day at a time

You're not alone, for I'm still here,
I'll go that extra mile;
And when your grief is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile!

with lots of love,


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...