Tuesday 29 June 2021


One day these actions won't just be actions 
these words won't just be words
these feelings won't just be feelings 
instead we will have love

maybe one day our worlds will align
and i won't have to stand idly by
and watch what i know will end 
because our love never drowned
it never even lived

we didn't feel the rush of the water cover our heads
we never got to stand drenched from the feeling of trust, selflessness, patience, kindness, humility, protection, holiness

i never got to hold your hand tightly and say i won't let it go
i never got to jump in your arms and say i'm glad to see you again
i never got to kiss you all over your face and say how beautiful , how perfect
i never got the chance to see your tears and you see mine
i never got the chance to walk in a room and know your heart still mine
i never got the chance to feel you exhale in my arms because you know your safe
i never got the chance to say i love you and hear you say the same

i tell myself it's not our season, it's not our time but still i cry
because i know it's out of my hands 
but trust me i understand
and to you i'll say
i'll love you when the whole world has dried away
and i hear love say "well done my omyyy"...

i've learned that love doesn't stop just because you don't hear what you want
it doesn't stop because you don't feel the way you should
it doesn't stop because you don't see what you think you should see
it doesn't stop because you can't do what you feel to do

love is invisible...it's when you search inside yourself and realize that no matter how many tears you've cried or how many times you thought love died,how many times you recall your destinations and how much you remind your restrictions..

that your love for another person through everything still survivied

Monday 28 June 2021



I listened in childhood that,

Sunflowers rotate as per the direction of Sun,

Suppose morning they were facing East,

Evening they face West,

How magical it is,

Don't you think the love of Sunflower is eternal,

There is no expectation,

There is no anxiety,

Only longing,

Longing the sun rays to fall on their petals,

The sunflower petals might giggle,

When the morning sun rays touch,

Like how I used to giggle for your naughty jokes at start,

Then the petals feel burnt at afternoon,

The Sunrays are like fire,

But the Sunflowers smiles and hold the pain,

Like how I used to drink my tears when you fight,

In the evening while the Sun takes to send off,

The sunflowers do not cry,

They feel dry and say,

Let us meet again tomorrow,

Like how I said I am yours anytime,

Let us be together if possible,

Sun come again tomorrow,

to make the love of the sunflowers as eternal,

Hey girl,

Will, you come too again tomorrow,

to breathe some fresh air and to live in your hugs,

To be my Sunflower.





Monday 21 June 2021

..th Burning Desire, - 2


I want to kiss you


I want to kiss you while all the world behind us fades into black
I want to kiss you without expectation
I want kissing you to be the only objective
I want your hands to wander and your breath to quicken
I want your legs to tremble
I want your chest to heave

I want to kiss until you’re smiling into my mouth
Until I’m laughing into yours
Until I sink my teeth into your bottom lip
Until I hear you moan out for me

I want to massage your lips with my own
My fingers kneading your back
Roaming your sides
Grasping your waist

I want my tongue to tickle your lips
I want my tongue to dance with yours
I want to taste what else has touched your tongue
While making you forget anything else ever did

I want to kiss you
Until my lungs run out of air
And I have to breath through yours
Until you’re moaning into my mouth
Your body pressed to mine
Fingers tangled into my curls
Pulling me deeper into your kiss
Further into your kiss

I want to kiss you so passionately
That you’re engulfed into me
Totally ignorant to anything around us
I want the windows to fog up
I want the air to grow warmer and warmer

I want to kiss you until you’re dizzy
Light headedly dizzy
And then I want to pull away
Rest my hands on your hips
Rest my forehead against yours
And I want to ask you what the answer to 2+2 is
And I want you to be so over come you giggle OMY in response

So, it's my propose to you babe,

Can i??


...She to Dad,

Hey papa,

Aaj na aa khash divas par tame ketla khash cho ena mate kaik kehvu chhe.

I am sorry papa,
I am sorry ke me tamne tamara Nick name thi bolavta bolavta tamaru naam j bhuli gai.
I am sorry papa, ke me tamne papa samjhvanu j bhuli gai.

Sachu kau to aa bhul thi aje mane garv chhe.
Kaik evo garv ke hu tamari aatli najik chhu. 
Garv chhe tame mane papa banine nai uchheri.
Garv chhe mane ke tame mara pela dost banya. 
Garv chhe tame mari badhi j nadaniyo ma samjhan joi.
Garv chhe k tame mari badhi bhoolo ma mara prayaas joya.
Garv chhe mane tame mari zid ma mari khushi joi.
Garv chhe tame mara nirnayo ma mari himmat joi.
Garv chhe mane tame mari khaamio saame mari Acchai joi.
Garv chhe tame mara shabdo nai mara matlab sambhadya.
Garv chhe tame mara vartan nai mara vicharo joya.
Garv chhe tame maro darr nai mari himmat joi.
Garv chhe tame maro gusso nai mari chinta joi.
Garv chhe tame mari hinsa nai maro laad joyo.
Garv chhe tame maro angamo nai maro pyaar joyo.
Garv chhe tame tamari dikri nai pan mane joi
Mane garv chhe tamara par papa.
Garv chhe ke tame mara papa chho.

Mane nathi khabar me tamne su aapyu chhe.
Dil thi kau to me eva koi prayaas j nai karta kyarey ke hu tamne kai apu. Tame kyarey mangyu nathi ne paa, tame apva ma etla busy rahya ne hu ene maanva ma etli busy rahi ke me kadach mari badhi farajo pan tamne nai aapi.

Mane garv chhe papa tamara aa roop par.
Bas aa shubh din par tamne etlu kehvu chhe ke

I love you so much my BANTI, I mean my Dad.

Tamara garv na badla ma aaje fari ek vaar hu kaik mangu j chhu. Ke mara PAPA tarike hu tamara mate kai pan kari saku chhu jena thi tamne garv thaay?

Su hu tamaro garv bani saku chhu dad??


Sunday 20 June 2021


For so long I held my heart so securely in place
Away from the world, in this cold, dark, lonely space

Then you came into my life, and I didn't know what to do
What my heart had so longingly missed, I now found in you

Letting you in my life was something I wasn't sure about
But the more time we spent together I was left without a doubt

Knowing that with each passing day, your love to me meant more
It filled a place inside my heart that had known only emptiness before

I didn't see how painful it must have been for you to love me, unconditionally
When I demanded so much of you, this perfect person you tried so hard to be

Even though it wasn't purposeful I know it hurt your heart to believe
That just one mistake, and I wouldn't hesitate to leave

How could you have known nothing was ever farther from being true
Your smile, the warmth of your heart, I could never bid adieu

As you held my heart you touched a part of my soul, and there your fingerprints still rest
Your whispers softly echo, with hopes of hearing them I quiet my very breath

Although where we're headed now is something yet unknown,
A part of me has left, and never again will I alone, my heart own

And how fortunate I must be, that at this journey's end
It has been, still is, and always will be, you I call my best friend


...your turn,

How can I not love you
Though my heart says I do
How could I not want you
You've taken my soul out of the blue

I can't see you
Nor can kiss you
But I'm really certain
This feeling is true
I maybe a friend
And there's nothing I can do
Somehow I wish
You'll feel the same way too

Contineous conversations
Exchanging opinions
Brings out a lot
Discoveries and revelations
Sharing point of views
And arguing on some issues
In one way or another
You've come to know me better

Step on step,
Relation to relation,
Roles to roles,
Limits to limits,
You came near to me, close to me

Time had passed
Realization atlast
Quit denying the fact
I am winning your heart

Sweetest thing we have achieved is we become clossest to each other with lovefull, respectfull and peacefully distance.

Let's celebrate my Dear
Let's make it through
This is the right time
To say you love me too


Friday 11 June 2021

....my Happiness is Yours,

To feel your embrace is heaven on earth
your caress, your gentle aggresiveness
the deep pleading in your eyes for my body to be intertwined with yours..
we melt into one another
our souls connecting, our skin vibrating
pleasantly awaiting that moment of complete serenity
that bliss
the trembling of our tender quakes, lost in submission..
heads in the clouds, counting wisps of broken dreams
carrying the weight of the world in our hopeful hearts, beating together as
One _a solid entity

i stroke your cheek, imaginging for that moment that we are the only two on the planet
far-stretched across the galaxy
our very existence shedding light throughout the cosmos..
you wink, a guilty smile
knowing the thoughts floating thru my mind
ever-dreaming, lost in space & time with you..
we shed our skin, glowing in the naked vulnerability of our souls:
on display, for only us to see
a cloak of protection surrounding each other from the outside world
our love a vast secret of hope for all the jaded souls who hoard away their love
buried under heartache and unforgiveness
relentlessly hiding their shame
an atrocity to all those who've cast aside bitter memories
grasping at the void for acceptance and bliss..

the stars shine bright in the night sky
overwhelming me with their capacity to give and give, and never take
they shed their light over our swelling hearts, catering to our every wish
a beautiful gesture of pure loving kindness
a feat i will cherish for all of my days..
you stir slightly, not wanting to jolt me from my peaceful reverie
nonetheless, unabashedly watching me delight in the unfathomable universe surrounding us
your half-cracked smile says it all, as you glow with admiration
or is it my glow that is pouring over you?
quietly, i take your hand in mine, smoothing the hair on your neck
i rest my head in the crevice of your shoulder
thoughts drifting in and out
only heaven on earth remains


Thursday 10 June 2021

...i Care,

I'm sending this to let you know
I think of you each second,
And pray for your recovery,
Hoping soon you'll be okay.

You're going through a lot right now;
You're treatments can be trying;
Remember while you do them
It's your problem you're defying.

Hold on to your positive attitude,
And when things get hard to bear,
Know that I am here for you;
Remember that I care.

And when you're well and flourishing,
Look back and realize,
You learned what you were made of;
That's a reward that satisfies!

I believe in you; You can do it!


Thursday 3 June 2021

...first night,

Hey, I am so sorry my WiFi. I am so unfare that I slept last night before you came. I slept like I don't have that same feelings and respect at all like I insulted your moods and feels for me. But trust me, I never ever ever been intented like that. I know this can be not so special than I could be with you last night but when I opened my eyes, I found you near here close to me.
I am loving you by watching you sleeping.

I am looking at your innocent face which is still have that last blur caring smile which you may be had while watching me slept. It convincing me that you were not disappointed for that. I can see that last storm of love you felt by coming close to me. I can see your that moulded lips which was may be ready to kiss me in love. I can see that relaxing peace on pupils which may be you felt by watching me after sleeping close to me. I found your that Baby finger twisted and locked with mine to tell me and realise me that you'll never leave me. Trust me this was damn pleasurable for me like we are sleeping like wrapping each other. I found your chicks light and bright red coloured which are telling me that how notty you came up to be with me but that nottiness had been surendered against cuteness of my sleeping face.

I can feel you the same may be what you had felt before you sleep. Yet I am looking at you, your this face which is still loving me in sleep. Which is telling me that you are there in your dreams, with me, awaken and loving me more and more. I was not imagined that our this first night will become this much special, lovefull and pleasurable without being touched and involved with each other.

May be I will get a sleep again after telling you this. And when you will be awaken you will find me with this all same things on my face too. That smile, that rounded lips and that pinky chicks.
May be it can turned you on or may be it can hurt you more if I am completely wrong about my absence but the thing is,

I can't lose you any how. I can't miss you more. I just can't let you go far from me. I will not untie this baby fingers. They have enough right to have there own s&x life.
But, at the end. I request you to be as same as you feels after reading this message.

I don't want anything from you after getting that special ring in my hand with your name.
I can not forget last day,
I can not forget our togetherness,
I can not forget your that all hugs which were given to tell me that I am yours, that special you is for me and your best you can do is just about being with me.
I can't not forget that kisses which was given to me to tell me that you are kissing through me to my gentleness, kindness, politeness, sweetness and Infiniteness.
I can not forget your that on knee proposal. that lines which was saying

Marry me...
Plz plz plz
You are the most beautiful soul of the world.
It was my dream to execute this to the partner of my life which is becoming true cz of you.
As i have decided that i will do this to the most deserving guy, and you are the one who deserves this

So....please marry me...'"

And I could not figure out that I am dead here or I just started to breath.

I just could express my everything through that forehead kiss after accepting your propose and the same I wanted to do right now after watching you sleeping. But, I will not do it. I will wait for you. I don't want to steel that feeling you feels while I kiss you like that. So I am waiting my babe..., I hope we will get back soon together.

I know this will explain my this late 125 mins which I spend with my sleeping wife on our first night. And I would say, this is the most precious feeling of the world.

I love you my wife. And hope you will make me awaken instantly to show me your most valuable reactions for this.

Till the time, I am coming in to your dreams



. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...