Tuesday 29 June 2021


One day these actions won't just be actions 
these words won't just be words
these feelings won't just be feelings 
instead we will have love

maybe one day our worlds will align
and i won't have to stand idly by
and watch what i know will end 
because our love never drowned
it never even lived

we didn't feel the rush of the water cover our heads
we never got to stand drenched from the feeling of trust, selflessness, patience, kindness, humility, protection, holiness

i never got to hold your hand tightly and say i won't let it go
i never got to jump in your arms and say i'm glad to see you again
i never got to kiss you all over your face and say how beautiful , how perfect
i never got the chance to see your tears and you see mine
i never got the chance to walk in a room and know your heart still mine
i never got the chance to feel you exhale in my arms because you know your safe
i never got the chance to say i love you and hear you say the same

i tell myself it's not our season, it's not our time but still i cry
because i know it's out of my hands 
but trust me i understand
and to you i'll say
i'll love you when the whole world has dried away
and i hear love say "well done my omyyy"...

i've learned that love doesn't stop just because you don't hear what you want
it doesn't stop because you don't feel the way you should
it doesn't stop because you don't see what you think you should see
it doesn't stop because you can't do what you feel to do

love is invisible...it's when you search inside yourself and realize that no matter how many tears you've cried or how many times you thought love died,how many times you recall your destinations and how much you remind your restrictions..

that your love for another person through everything still survivied

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