Monday 21 June 2021 Burning Desire, - 2


I want to kiss you


I want to kiss you while all the world behind us fades into black
I want to kiss you without expectation
I want kissing you to be the only objective
I want your hands to wander and your breath to quicken
I want your legs to tremble
I want your chest to heave

I want to kiss until you’re smiling into my mouth
Until I’m laughing into yours
Until I sink my teeth into your bottom lip
Until I hear you moan out for me

I want to massage your lips with my own
My fingers kneading your back
Roaming your sides
Grasping your waist

I want my tongue to tickle your lips
I want my tongue to dance with yours
I want to taste what else has touched your tongue
While making you forget anything else ever did

I want to kiss you
Until my lungs run out of air
And I have to breath through yours
Until you’re moaning into my mouth
Your body pressed to mine
Fingers tangled into my curls
Pulling me deeper into your kiss
Further into your kiss

I want to kiss you so passionately
That you’re engulfed into me
Totally ignorant to anything around us
I want the windows to fog up
I want the air to grow warmer and warmer

I want to kiss you until you’re dizzy
Light headedly dizzy
And then I want to pull away
Rest my hands on your hips
Rest my forehead against yours
And I want to ask you what the answer to 2+2 is
And I want you to be so over come you giggle OMY in response

So, it's my propose to you babe,

Can i??


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