Sunday 20 June 2021

...your turn,

How can I not love you
Though my heart says I do
How could I not want you
You've taken my soul out of the blue

I can't see you
Nor can kiss you
But I'm really certain
This feeling is true
I maybe a friend
And there's nothing I can do
Somehow I wish
You'll feel the same way too

Contineous conversations
Exchanging opinions
Brings out a lot
Discoveries and revelations
Sharing point of views
And arguing on some issues
In one way or another
You've come to know me better

Step on step,
Relation to relation,
Roles to roles,
Limits to limits,
You came near to me, close to me

Time had passed
Realization atlast
Quit denying the fact
I am winning your heart

Sweetest thing we have achieved is we become clossest to each other with lovefull, respectfull and peacefully distance.

Let's celebrate my Dear
Let's make it through
This is the right time
To say you love me too


1 comment:


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...