Sunday 25 July 2021

..She held a Dream,

This tale's of someone who once held a dream
Till the day she fell apart at the seams.
A dream that vanished up into thin air
That left its trail of sorrow and despair.

She Once Held A Dream

There was a lady who once held a dream.
She couldn't see that all wasn't as it seemed,
That love would fade and be ended so soon,
Disappearing like waning crescent moon.

Anonymous hearts, two raw anguished souls,
Sadly for them end of romance bells tolled.
This had been the love she'd never forget
Best thing that'd ever happened to her yet.

Pure moments of bliss, golden promises.
They shared many loving, tender hugs & kisses.
Stars shone brighter, a heartfelt surrender
To the magic of amorous splendor.

Life danced along in harmonious bliss.
Her heart she gave him; he handed her his.
In passionate state of fascination
They pledged they'd last a lifelong duration.

Came the day the sweethearts' lovelight crumbled.
Rainbows tumbled and the heavens rumbled.
There was something wrong that neither could fix
As their hearts went into total eclipse.

A love story that came to naught, but woe
The day she had to let her sweetheart go.
The lady still loves him, and still she weeps
For the dream that she once held in her keep.

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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...