Sunday 11 July 2021


Words lots of words
words have meanings
Some words are said in anger.
But few are spoken about
unconditional Love .

Words lots of words
are said in haste
and many hit
On the face
But were is the
unconditional love..

Words are only words
They can lift us up
or tear you down.
If you don't have
something nice to
say, then say nothing.
Is your love soppy
Or does it turn on
and off like a dripping tap.

Words are just words
Unless they come straight
from the heart.
treat others the way
you would like to be treated.
Were is the love
unconditional love..

One person only fits the bill
our father in heaven
Our maker and creator of earth..
For he created Man
So God created words
not empty words ..
But words that fulfill
a meaningful life.

Look and you will find
Eternal love that isn't blind  
unconditional love..
sought from above..

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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...