Wednesday 21 July 2021

...Celebrating YES,


Three little letters
That said like a million close to you,
But honestly are
Worth more than a billion!

I’ve painted you smileys,
And written you rhyms.
Dedicated you some songs,
For I’m proud you are mine.

But nothing I’ve done
Parallels what you did.
When I asked if you loved me,
You said that you did!

Nothing at all you could
Tell this here babe,
That could ever, sever,
My night of sheer joy.

The exchange that you allowed,
Gave me hope and they did,
Energize and revive me
With a reason to win self.

So I thank you now
For making me back.
It’s because you said “Yes,”
We celebrate me and you!




#How it's been clebrated

Coming soon....

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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...