Saturday 31 July 2021



I’ve been trying to heal on my own,
trying to heal from the time you forced yourself into me.
The night I turned on myself,
lost who I was.
My body, a foreign and distant being.
She wasn’t mine anymore, you had ripped her from my grasp,
refusing to let go.
As much as I try, I’ll never have her fully back.

I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry for the way fear stole the words from my mouth
And surprise bound my hands and legs into your hold.
I'm angry that my mind spun the dial and settled on freeze.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry that silence hung between us,
Thicker than the air I was struggling to breathe,
That the absence of syllables prevented me from giving name
To the violation.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I am angry that I let you,
That I convinced myself saying 'yes' after I'd already said 'no'
Meant it wasn't so bad after all.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry that others violated so many boundaries
I thought love was a race to cross the finish over every line I'd ever drawn,
That my best interest and your desires were somehow the same thing.
I am not angry that you hurt me.
I am angry I sought you as a protector to fight the demons YOU gave me,
That I thought you could save me from the fear you were causing.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I am angry that the walls are now caving in
Around the idea that I could ever be clean,
That I am alone with the thought I somehow did this to myself,
That had I listened and not been so hell bent on breaking free of the literal chains,
Not been searching for liberation from my childhood hurts ,
Or chasing my power in the line between 'Love' and 'Lust',
I might still be a "gold-star angel" and not tainted goods.
I am not angry that you hurt me.
I am angry that I thought seeing past the scars on my skin meant you loved me,
That acknowledging how others had hurt me meant you wouldn't do the same.
I am angry that when your face appeared in my nightmares
I let you tell me I was mistaken,
That when I began to hate the word ILYSM and couldn't stand it to be mentioned,
I believed you when you said “I will never”.
Meanwhile, Mother writes it off as having "bad taste in men,"
As if she was not a link in the chain of how I ended up there,
Neglecting to mention I did not consent to being manipulated by a predator.

I'm not angry you hurt me.
I am angry because You made me feel like I owed you for loving me through the cracks,
And I am not one to skip out on debts.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry you stole the skin off my body and safety from my mind,
And I didn't fight back.
I wish you had just killed me so they can't say I was asking for it.
Was that not the purpose of the sword wedged under the mattress?
You should have finished the job when you grabbed me,
So I don't have to live with this.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry that I didn't stop it.
I'm not angry that you hurt me.
I'm angry that I let you.


Friday 30 July 2021

...Self Proud,


Be Proud of yourself, always
Do not let anything or anyone put you down
Terrible things are always going to happen
but you just have to remember:
Nothing lasts forever

Don't ever hate yourself
Your not perfect,
and you'll never be.
You'll always make mistakes and

everything will somehow go wrong in your life
But isn't that what life's about?
Everybody making mistakes, and then learning from it?

Promise me whoever is reading this piece of poem,
That you'll always believe in yourself and will not give up
and that you'll always believe that your the best,
and not hate yourself.
Don't let anyone or anything put you down
For, once again, no one's perfect


Monday 26 July 2021

...Can't Love,

The reason why I can’t love you back,
Isn’t because my love for you lacked,
It is just this world suck,
That in this situation we’re stuck;

I love you and the heaven knows I do,
But they said we shouldn’t push this through,
Because even God doesn’t want us to,
If this is wrong how could it feel so true?

This love I want to fight for,
Root of our families’ uproar,
I tried my best to ignore,
But fate is not in our side anymore;

I guess we should stop this now,
I know our love they’ll never allow,
But let’s make a vow,
That we'll be happy somehow;

This is our unfortunate reality,
No matter how happy we could be,
The world we live will never agree,
In this kind of external love.

They said this is the right track,
A future with you in pitch black,
This is how horrid reality attack,
That is the reason why I can’t love you back


...her GoodBye,

You held my hand so tight.
We watched the stars all night,
But still I realize
There's something in your eyes.

The way you say you love me
And that we are meant to be
Is killing every piece of me,
If you could only see.

There's no doubt you really care,
But it's your heart you can never share.
And though you tried your best to love me,
It's just not meant to be, and so I set you free.

It's hard for me to let go,
But it's the only way I know
To spare you from suffering
And to save my heart from dying.

It's true you want my happiness,
But it's time to be honest,
And as much as it hurts, I'm going to say it now.
It's time for us to break our vows.

Still I thank you for everything,
And it's your love I'll forever be missing,
And now that I have to go,
Remember what we had was never a show.

I love you dear and so I fear
You'll be miserable if I am near,
So take this chance and explore the world.
Let your heart be your sword!

Goodbye, my love, and be happy.
I'll be fine, you have nothing to worry.
Take her hand and you will see
That I was never your destiny!!

Sunday 25 July 2021

..She held a Dream,

This tale's of someone who once held a dream
Till the day she fell apart at the seams.
A dream that vanished up into thin air
That left its trail of sorrow and despair.

She Once Held A Dream

There was a lady who once held a dream.
She couldn't see that all wasn't as it seemed,
That love would fade and be ended so soon,
Disappearing like waning crescent moon.

Anonymous hearts, two raw anguished souls,
Sadly for them end of romance bells tolled.
This had been the love she'd never forget
Best thing that'd ever happened to her yet.

Pure moments of bliss, golden promises.
They shared many loving, tender hugs & kisses.
Stars shone brighter, a heartfelt surrender
To the magic of amorous splendor.

Life danced along in harmonious bliss.
Her heart she gave him; he handed her his.
In passionate state of fascination
They pledged they'd last a lifelong duration.

Came the day the sweethearts' lovelight crumbled.
Rainbows tumbled and the heavens rumbled.
There was something wrong that neither could fix
As their hearts went into total eclipse.

A love story that came to naught, but woe
The day she had to let her sweetheart go.
The lady still loves him, and still she weeps
For the dream that she once held in her keep.


Where you should be
I no longer see
If I blink you are there not here
Make it stop
Make it start over
I don't want to be missing
The life I had with you
You told me it wouldn't last
And I ignored it
I ignored your warnings
I lit the match because I wanted to see
And how bright we were you and me
But the light went out
And it reeks of sulfur
And you're all gone
Without so much as a smoulder
Stranded in the dark
I feel out my way to where you were
But my fingers only graze
The damp cool air
That has taken your place
I'm suffocating in this frozen hell
You told me it was coming
But I didn't listen
I didn't want to believe our days were numbered
Not when the moments were so sweet
We drank them like honey
But I can't hit repeat
Instead I am here alone
Waiting for a match to re-light
But all that remains is dead nights



Your poems are my inspiration to write
since you left me there is no delight
the words I weave are meaningless without you
and my pen keeps wondering about you

I have lost your friendship my dear true friend
how do I go on without your helping hand
my very words to you become a crime
I will keep everything to myself next time

Your gentle soul and words I really miss
this sadness I will bury and seal my lips
remember for you I am always here
even if you are far my heart is near

Your friendship I value I treasure
your love no one can ever measure
what I say and feel is not a disguise
you mean so much to me please realise

I will wait no matter how long I will wait
for you to open the friendship gate



You just smile; no answer is necessary.
My initial kiss is just a flirting of our lips.
My tongue lightly flicking -
Like I am asking, "Do you want me?"
The tip of my tongue runs all around your lips.
Touching every part,
Inside and out -
Over and over again.
Tickling you, tickle, tickle, goes my tongue.
Now I press my lips gently to yours.
Rubbing your lips back and forth against mine.
My kisses are hot and fast.
I cannot rest long in any one place.
I have such a need to go on.
I trail kisses of passion all over your face.
Then back to your mouth.
Our tongues dance together.
We are exploring.
I circle your tongue with the tip of mine.
You echo the pattern back to me.
I lick the sides, underside and the top.
You echo back.
I suck your lower lip.
You echo back.
We repeat, repeat, repeat.
The sensations are driving our emotions.
We are wild for each other.
You thrust your tongue in and out.
The movements are rhythmic and stabbing.
Simulating our love making during mating.
I ask again, do you want me?
I can tell that you do.
No words are necessary.


an Essay#01 : _th Break Up_

It’s always better to say the truth now rather than living a lie and letting that lie get exposed later. I know what it feels like to be lied to, it’s not pretty, it’s horrible beyond measure. Honesty should always be one of the main factors of any relationship, and you need to be honest till the end, even if it means you’ll end up losing your relationship, it’s still much better than lying to the person you love, doesn’t matter how big or small the lie is, it’s still a lie and you’re still keeping it from them. Always speak truthfully and from the heart, those who know the importance of honesty will never leave you. Those who care more about themselves will probably walk away, but that’s for your own good.
Don’t disappear
One of the worst ways of breaking up with someone is by disappearing on them, by slowly fading away, don’t do that. You’ll give unwanted torture to someone by being selfish and scared. If you can’t make it work, either talk about fixing it or talk about a mutual breakup, running away is NOT an option. If you respect each other enough, give each other the courtesy of being open and honest about how the relationship is going and where it’s headed. Disappearing from the relationship isn’t going to solve anything, it’s only going to make it harder for both of you.
Don’t let anger take control

90% of breakups turn ugly because of anger, because one of the two people start letting anger take over them and just give in and lose control, don’t let that happen to you. While it’s pretty natural and expected to be angry at a situation like this, it’s highly unhealthy for both of you. I’ve seen a lot of people who talk things out without being angry, anger just ruins the entire point of trying to talk things out, it just wastes every effort and leaves people more angry and upset. Be calm and be gentle and kind with your words, you don’t want to have any negativity and you don’t want to have any regrets later. Trust me, you’ll hate yourself after a few months if you’re the one who got angry at the breakup. It’s a different and peaceful feeling when you know you didn’t lash out and you kept your cool, trust me.

Don’t involve a third person

If you’re thinking of bringing that one best friend and making them a part of this conversation, don’t, just don’t, it’s only going to end horribly for all of you. Keep in mind that it’s your relationship, it involves you and your partner and no one else, you’ve shared intimacy together, you’ve made memories together, you’ve cried and laughed with each other, do NOT ruin all of those things by bringing a third person in the middle, either to make your point heard or to try and fix the situation.

Don’t have mixed feelings, decide

One of the worst things people do to each other is drag the relationship out, to avoid the stress and pain of a breakup, don’t do that. Do not be in a dragged relationship because of emotions, come out of it because you want to be a much better person in life and you know that the relationship you’re in is only having negative effects on the two of you. Don’t have mixed feelings during the breakup, make up your mind once and for all and go with that decision. If you decide to break up, make up your mind about it and do it. If you decide to sort things out, do whatever is necessary to sort things out. Just don’t have mixed feelings about someone.

Don’t announce it, it’s your privacy

Don’t be that person who puts up a Facebook status as soon as their relationship ends, respect your privacy. Of course, you can talk to your close friends about it because you obviously need to share the pain and sorrow with someone, but just don’t announce it to the world. I’m pointing at you – person who changes their Facebook Relationship Status every two months. This is especially bad when the two of you suddenly decide to be together again, the number of questions and explanations you have to give everyone is going to be a pain and people will only make fun of you then. Avoid the pain, keep it to yourselves.
Don’t bring up the past
One of the worst things to do during a breakup is to bring up issues from the past, issues that had long been resolved and don’t even exist anymore, it’s painful. When you bring up even the smallest of issues, it’s going to create a new list of problems and it’s going to make you angry, which is going to lead to a pretty painful breakup with a lot of animosity and hate. Keep it simple, be very precise about how you feel and avoid the past AT ALL COSTS!

Expect it to be unpleasant

Like I said before, breakups are bad, even the word has pain in it, so expect them to be unpleasant. There is no such thing as a “happy breakup”, if you believe in a happy breakup then it means you’ve seen too many movies. Breakups are always going to be sad, even if they’re mutual and the two of you know that you tried your best, there’s still going to be a lot of grief and pain involved.


Wednesday 21 July 2021

...Celebrating YES,


Three little letters
That said like a million close to you,
But honestly are
Worth more than a billion!

I’ve painted you smileys,
And written you rhyms.
Dedicated you some songs,
For I’m proud you are mine.

But nothing I’ve done
Parallels what you did.
When I asked if you loved me,
You said that you did!

Nothing at all you could
Tell this here babe,
That could ever, sever,
My night of sheer joy.

The exchange that you allowed,
Gave me hope and they did,
Energize and revive me
With a reason to win self.

So I thank you now
For making me back.
It’s because you said “Yes,”
We celebrate me and you!




#How it's been clebrated

Coming soon....

Monday 19 July 2021

SP#002 _Athaag_Maa_

'"...Ha, hu thaki chhu pan haari nathi,
Mane aschary chhe ke jivan na santulan ni e bhramanaa ne kevi rite medvu?
Savar na 5 vagya nu alarm sambhadta sidio ma daudi jati hu ej maru kaam karva je mara balako na jagya pachhi hu naa kari saku.
Mane maru e kaam nu daftar, bharatu jatu ne mara dhyan mate bhikh mangtu dekhay chhe.
Ne mane badla ma potana mate 5 min j joie chhe.
Ha, hu thaki chhu pan haari nathi,

Hu badhu j kari saku chhu evo dhong karu chhu,
Mane pan khubh chocolates khavanu mann thay chhe,
Hu mara balako na suvala gaal ni adku chhu ne emne bheti lau chhu.
Mane chinta chhe ke hu amara jivan ma emna sathe ni ghani khash palo chuki rahi chhu.
Hu roi lai chhu jyare anubhavay chhe ke hu e badha mathi khovai rahi chhu.

Hu ek sixak chhu, balako na ujjawal bhavishya ne ghadvu ej maru kaam chhe pan
Mara balako have vayask chhe, mara karta vadhare saxam chhe. Ane hu emne sambhdu ne ghanu sikhu chhu emna thaki.
Mara vahla pati humesha mane emni najar thi mane badhu j samjhavta rahe chhe.
Ghar mate, hu ekdam nadan ane nasamaj stree j chhu.
Mare pan emna sathe sakht ane hoshiyar banvu chhe.
Ha, hu thaki gai chhu pan haari nathi.

Hu best employee banvani puri koshish karu chhu.
Mari banne duties ma, ghare ane nokari par.
Mara kaam ma badha j ek tak ni khoj ma hoy chhe ke kyare maari ek tarif ke sabashi made,
Ne hu e apu chhu, bhale ne puri koshish na janay to pan.
Ane ghare, hu khoj ma hov chhu ke kyare mane ek sabashi made,
Ne hu e dar vakhat chuki jau chhu e pan kadach pure puri sampurnata pachhi.
Hu nirash chhu pan haari nathi.
Ha, hu thaki gai chhu pan haari nathi.

Hu samjhu chhu ke aa ek bhaag chhe jivan no ane e saral thai jase.
Hu kahu chu, "..mare potana ashirwad ni kadar karvani jaroor chhe.."
Hu sapnu jou chhu ke hu ek divas vyavasthapurn thais ane aa badha thi upar uthi jais.
Hu humesha mate ek sari sixak ane mata banvani purti koshish karis.
Mane asha chhe mari koshish bekar nai jaay.
Ha, hu thaki gai chhu pan haari nathi..."
Tamaru aa valan koine kyarey nahi samjhay.
Parantu kadar darek ne jaroor chhe.
Mate j tamara pase ek stree ni sauthi moti bhoomika chhe,
Tame MAA chho.

Tamari aa taken for granted life na khash divas par,
Mare tamne tamara prem, kalaji ane hufaalo saath aapta ajay vyaktitv ni thodi kadar karvi chhe.
Hu mara pura dil thi tame subhechchha pathvu chhu.

Janam divas ni khub khub khub shubhkamnao MAA...

Sunday 18 July 2021 fever,

It didn't take a Harvard Medical School
degree to detect you and I were not 
lovers destined to wed but two viruses
doing their best to infect each other,
two fevers that'd spread,
different symptoms of the same sickness.
Past cure I am, now reason is past care.

Did I really wish to die?
The doctor dismissed me with the
professional ease with which one might
swat a fly, as if for the fly's own good.
So what if you loved me more intimately
than anyone ever would? A cancer cell 
could say that of any body it refused
to let go. Once the heart was infected,
How could it be corrected?
So what was I waiting for?
The truth is, the doctor smiled,
the microbe adores the flesh it's dating.


Friday 16 July 2021

...Unstoppable Mom,

'"....Yahh, I am exhausted but never done. 
I wonder how to find the elusive "work-life" balance 
I hear my alarm go off at 5am and trudge downstairs to do the work I couldn't do when the kids were awake
I see my work bag, bulging, begging me to finally pay it attention.
I want 5 minutes to myself.
Yahh, I am exhausted but never done.

I pretend I can do it all
I feel the need to eat lots of chocolate
I touch my children's soft little cheeks and hug them.
I worry I am missing important moments with them.
I cry when I feel like I am drowning from it all.
Yahh, I am exhausted but never done.

I am a teacher, I used to make foundation of kid's future.
My childs are now adults, they are smarter than me. I used to listen and understand them and learn from them.
My sweet husband used to figure out things for me.
At home I am completely innocent foolish lady.
I want to be harder and smarter with them too.
Yahh, I am exhausted but never done.

I am trying to be the best employee as possible I can,
In my both duties at work as well as at home
At work everyone is looking in a chance to get my appreciation and I give even without full efforts.
At home I am looking for a single appreciation and I missed even after complet perfection.
I am disappointed too but I can't give up.
Yahh, I am exhausted but never done.

I understand this is a season in my life and will get easier.
I say, "I need to appreciate my blessings."
I dream that I will be organized and on top of everything
I try to be the best mom and teacher possible
I hope my efforts are not in vain.
Yahh, I am exhausted but never done...'"
Your this attitude will never been understood by any one. But respected by everyone. That's why you have the biggest role of a Women.
You are the MOM.

On a precious day of your taken for granted life,
I would like to pay some appreciation for your loving, caring and supporting un-give-upable character. I do wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you MAA...

Monday 12 July 2021

SP#001 _Tari_Yaado_

Hu kevi rite kahu tari yaado su chhe mara mate?

Ek jaadu chhe, jema tari ger hajari no anubhav  mane tari hajari na ullas jetlo j mitho lage chhe.

Mara sudhi pohachti hawaon jane tara lehrata ghata kesh na vadalo mathi prasri ne ena bhej thi mane bhinjavti rahe chhe

Mari ankho ma pravesta har prakash na kiran no strot tara chehra nu tej hoy em aankho ne chadkat ape chhe

Mara hriday ma bharato darek swaas jane tari sudol kaya ni sundarta thi felati suwaas no godo na hoy..! em mane dhabakto ne jivto rakhe chhe

Jane tara ek chamakta smit thi khili uthata phoolo ne jane bhinjali ne lehrata karie em akha sarir ma thati vyakultao tari yaad thi lehrava mande chhe

Tari ankho ni najar,
Tara lehrata vaad ni ghata,
Tara gaal nu chumban,
Tara ango ni Tajagi,
Tara hotho ni muskan,
Tara lalaat ni dradhata,
Tara naak no e dhaad,
Tara pagla no akar,
Tara pith no rakar,
Tara kamar ni sundarta,
Tari chhati ni sudorta,
Tara khabha no aram,
Tari hatheli no haam,
Tara swas no ucchawas,

Aa badhu j,

Aa badhu j nathi hotu, jyare Tara thi dur hov chhu to...
pan ena badlama hoy chhe eni yaad,
Eni yaad je tane jivant rakhe mari aas paas tari j ger hajari ma jena thaki me tane kyarey khoi nathi sakto...

Eni darek yaad jane ke

Ej ankho no tej,
Ej lehrata vaad ni hawa,
Ej gaal ni mulayamta,
Ej ango ni khushbu,
Ej hotho no swad,
Ej lalaat ni shanti,
Ej naak no rasto,
Ej pagla ni dhool,
Ej pith no valank,
Ej kamar no sparsh,
Ej chhati nu akarshan,
Ej khabha no teko,
Ej hatheli no sath,
Ej swas no pranavayu,

Aaj tari hajari chhe mara mate tari ger hajari mane e pan etli j vhaali chhe jetli Tu..

Pachhi kai rite tu mara thi alag thai sake...
Kai rite tu mara thi alag rahi sake...

Tane khovano darr kem hoy mane..?
Jyare hu tane haji pan paami j rahyo hov,

Tu j maro prem maro sath che,
Tu j maro sang ne har pal ni yaad chhe.

Mane khabar chhe hu tane kyarey paami nai saku. Mane khabar chhe hu tane chhodi dais ek di,

Pan ha etlu kahis k
hu kyarey pan aajivan tane pamva nu nai chhodu...


...God is There,




We can't foresee the turning of the tide
When problems beset us and tears are cried.
Sometimes life deals from the bottom of the deck
Filling us with worry and leaving us a wreck.

The enemy seeks to devour and destroy,
Using deceptions to eliminate our joy.
While walking through the valley, our heads hung low,
The mountain top seems so high, our footsteps slow.

How many times have we traveled this road
To battle the frustrations of troubles bestowed?
Yet when we come to our darkest hour
God demonstrates His infinite power.

It doesn't matter how bad things might seem,
He always comes through, our faith to redeem.
God will not fail us in our times of pain.
He'll never forsake us, by our side He'll remain.

So when we find ourselves at a total loss
Or when the valley seems too wide to cross,
Just remember you're in His love and care,
Look over your shoulder, He's always there!

_keyur_everything Him,




To the man who I knew it wouldn’t work with,

Hey, how are you?
It’s been about one month now since you ended things. I’m not angry, I’m not bitter hey I’m not really even sad anymore. Well sorta kinda?

You cross my mind almost every day though. I wish I could ask you how you are, how’s your wife, what’s happening with work? Did you get around to clothes shopping? Did you plan that your dream trip?

Are you seeing someone new now?

Are you happy?

I genuinely hope you are well and I hope that whomever you are with now is a better fit for you than I could be. I’m sorry I wasn’t that person for you and I forgive you for not being able to be that person for me

Hindsight is always 20/20 right? And I suppose it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. But my God I wanted it to. I wanted us. I wanted to finally be able to say a relationship worked and I didn’t mess things up with another man. Maybe it wasn’t about you as to why I felt like I failed. Felt, feel? I’m not exactly sure what or rather where I am with that.

It’s like you are a ghost to me now. You aren’t in my life anymore and I’m dealing with it. I’m slowly accepting that you aren’t coming back. I promise I’m trying.

I want you to know that I saw myself falling in love with you. I saw us being a forever and by how you were talking I thought you saw that too.

I forgive you for being a coward and breaking up with me over the phone.
I forgive you for not doing it in person two days before when we spent that last night together.
I forgive you for not being who I romanticized in my head and created.

Maybe I was so tired of things not working out and you were the first ‘normal’ man I had been with in years. Maybe I just like the idea of you but not actually you. Maybe I made everything up in my head. Or maybe you never really did care.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you thought I was going to grow a third arm, or if I was too much or too little for you or if you just got bored or you wanted to sleep with 30 different woman.

What matters is you no longer felt the need to put effort into being in my life and as much as that hurt me more than you may ever understand, I have to respect your decision.

I respect your decision to leave even if I don’t understand it fully.

And if I ever see you in passing, I promise I’ll wave and smile and wish you all the best in the world.

I hope you are happy even though I’m not part of that happiness.

The woman you said you wanted to marry while going through a divorce





Sunday 11 July 2021

...his Dance,

He asked me what is special in his dance?

Now who can tell him that just like waiting for the rain and seeing the tired peacock like the rain coming and putting his mind and dancing, the happiness we get is just the same happiness we get when we see your dance,
When you dance, the innocence on your face,
The smile on your lips, the peace on your face that binds with time,

We gets you in your dance, we gets your lost happiness, we gets the feeling of being with us in your dance, then how can I not say that all the happiness in the world is at one way and your dance is for us on other hand


Words lots of words
words have meanings
Some words are said in anger.
But few are spoken about
unconditional Love .

Words lots of words
are said in haste
and many hit
On the face
But were is the
unconditional love..

Words are only words
They can lift us up
or tear you down.
If you don't have
something nice to
say, then say nothing.
Is your love soppy
Or does it turn on
and off like a dripping tap.

Words are just words
Unless they come straight
from the heart.
treat others the way
you would like to be treated.
Were is the love
unconditional love..

One person only fits the bill
our father in heaven
Our maker and creator of earth..
For he created Man
So God created words
not empty words ..
But words that fulfill
a meaningful life.

Look and you will find
Eternal love that isn't blind  
unconditional love..
sought from above..

...a meet,

Today I had a talk with someone that made me question my perspective on love.
What is love to you?
I asked a close friend and she said love is to be able to never get tired of a person and to appreciate their flaws. Love is to want to compromise.
Then I asked her, even if they cheated on you?
And she said no.

As I had this certain talk with someone that made me question love, he started off by saying that in the bible, it is written that one should not marry someone who doesn't believe in the God of Abraham.
Now what does that mean?
He told me that in modern day, it means you should not marry a person who is not a Catholic.
But why would God say that right?
God loves you unconditionally. When I say unconditional, i mean God will love you no matter what, even if you commit ****** or any other sin.
So he told me, "So 'believing in the God of Abraham' actually means understanding and believing in the idea of unconditional love.

"Unconditional love is required to keep two people happy together. The bible says you cannot be together forever with someone who doesn't believe in unconditional love."

Here's an example that this certain someone told me about.

If you believe in conditional love and marry someone who doesn't believe in unconditional love, he will not understand where you are coming from. If you cheat on him, and ask him to take you back, he won't because he doesn't understand the idea of unconditional love.
Rather, he'd be angry that you even have nerve to cheat on him and ask for his forgiveness. He would think that you're crazy and selfish to expect him to forgive you.
"Why? Because in his world, there is no unconditional love. He doesn't understand it.
Why? Because he doesn't know an example of unconditional love (God of Abraham)
It's only logic."

I asked him if he believes in unconditional love and he said "I believe that there is no other love than unconditional love."

And that makes me question the concept of love.

If I think about it, I'll love my family no matter what happens, even if they betray me.
If i can't love my life long partner in the same way I love my family, then that is not love.

I don't think I can tell anyone other than my family that I love them because unconditional love is the only kind of love.
If someone cheated on me, I don't think I will be able to forgive them and take them back unless I love them unconditionally.

He told me another scenario.

Where your spouse cheats on you and you take him back because you love him unconditionally. He says he loves you but doesn't understand what unconditional love is.
"Now overtime you look into his eyes and say that you love him, he'll smile or something like that but that idiot won't understand the gravity of what you are saying. He'll only think that you love him like this limited definition of love. It's like there is a glass wall between you and him. He can see you but can't hear you. But he is okay with it because he doesn't know that the glass wall can be taken out of the way. But you know better. Can you imagine how frustrating it'll be?"

"You - I love you
Him - I love you, too
You - No! Not like that, I love you unconditionally
Him - Yes, I love you too
Him - Huh?
You - :("

So then I proceeded to ask him,
"What do you do from there?"

And he said,
"Take a deep breath and continue loving unconditionally."

At last, he said to me, "Good luck loving someone after this."
I laughed.
Because he was right.
Now I have a totally different definition of love.

Unconditional love is a sacrifice, a beautiful sacrifice.
And I'm so sure that I'm capable of making that sacrifice.

_keyur_everything Friend,

Thank you, friend, for all the things
That mean so much to me--
For concern and understanding
You give abundantly.

Thanks for listening with your heart;
For cheering me when I'm blue;
For bringing out the best in me;
And just for being you.

Thanks for in-depth conversation
That stimulates my brain;
For silly times we laugh out loud;
For things I can't explain.

For looking past my flaws and faults;
For all the time you spend;
For all the kind things that you do,
Thank you; thank you, friend

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad;
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad.

You’re such a pleasure in my life;
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is;
You’re a total joy to me.

You are wonderful, one of a kind,
uniquely valuable!
Right now, think of your positive qualities,
and things you can do better
than the average person can.

Always remember:
Your are smarter,
more capable,
and more significant
than you think you are.

This friendship poem talks about how friends share burdens. It's a friend poem that creates a special bond.

Because you are my friend,
my life is enriched in a myriad of ways.
Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day,
like a ray of sunshine parting glowering clouds,
you lift me up.

In good times, we soar,
like weightless balloons
over neon rainbows.
In bad times, you are soothing balm
for my pummeled soul.

I learn so much from you;
you help me see old things in new ways.
I wonder if you are aware
of the bright seeds you are sowing in me.

I'm a better person for knowing you,
so that everyone I interact with
is touched by your good effect on me.
You relax me, refresh me, renew me.
Your bounteous heart envelops me
in joy and love and peace.

May your life be filled
with dazzling blessings,
just as I am blessed
by being your friend.

Friday 9 July 2021

..Arguing God,

Mujhse kaha khuda ne mat kar intezaar,
Iss janam me uska milna muskil hain,
Mene bhi keh diya le lene de maza,
Agle janam to mumkin hain,

Fir usne kaha mat kar itna pyaar,
bahut pachhtayega,
Muskura ke mene kaha dekhte hain,
tu kitna meri ruh ko tadpayega,

Fir usne kaha, hatta use chal me tujhe jannat ki hur dikhata hu,
Mene kaha aa niche, dekh mere yaar ka muskurata chehra,
Tujhe jannat ki hur bhulata hu,

Tilmilakar usne kaha mat bhul apni aukat,
Akhir tu ek insaan hain,
Mene kaha to mila de mujhe mere pyaar se,
Or sabit kar ki tu hi bhagwan hain...

Monday 5 July 2021

...Sorry i did,




I’m sorry I kissed you
Because I was content with life
I said I was happy
I called it okay

I’m sorry I kissed you
Because I had books and stories
Dreams of imaginary places
Everything worked out

I’m sorry I kissed you
Because I was comfortable
In my small world
Everything made safe

But your lips pull me away
To the edge of the diving board
The brink of the cliff
The top of the ride

Now I must decide
Shall I buy the ticket
Take this newly fragile heart
And jump, and fall

And I am afraid
Because I can’t take it back
You made me
I’m not the same

Take a deep breath
Don’t look down
Drowned in your eyes
Don’t look back

I’m sorry I kissed you





Friday 2 July 2021


Some people will be blue
But I know that I have you
When we are together
Nothing can be better
On this day, this very special day
I will love you in every single way
When the flowers bloom in the spring
And the leaves change in the fall
I will give you everthing
Like the waves in the ocean
And the rushing waters of a waterfall
My love for you is everlasting
I can't imagine going a day without you
For that, my dear, would be unbearable
But I know that I've got you
If our love is a sin
Let it be the sweetest of them all
God will be with you forever, and so will I
Together, let us bring peace and love to others
For I know you are very kind
And you wouldn't hurt a fly
I love that abot you
At night, you tuck me in like a child
In the morning, I know you are there
For I can fell your fingers running through my hair
I don't how we ended up where er are know
But I wouldn't laeve for the world
I don't want roses
And I don't want diamonds
All I want is you
Some people don't really love
They take, which is a horrible thing to do
Loving is not taking
Taking is hating
I do not take, I love
When you leave I beg you not to go
You urn around and look at me
I have that sad look you love so much
You can't help but stay a little longer


. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...