Thursday 29 April 2021

...Missing you like,

I'm not sure where to start,
I don't know how to begin,
I guess I'll start with i miss you,
Cause that's what I'm feeling within,

I miss you like a cloud with no sun in the sky,
It has nothing to look up to and so it cries,
Crying raindrops fall onto the ground,
To just fade to nothing, nowhere to be found,

I miss you like a tree with no leave,
Nothing to move and drift in the breeze,
Leave scattered and sodden,
Walked upon, a broke soul down trodden,

I miss you like a mouth with no tongue,
It cannot speak, all these words left unsung,
They just hang in the moment, caught up in the mind,
Words left unspoken and all left behind,

I miss you like friends all alone,
Each missing each other, calling them on the phone,
It's like no ones answering your endless calls,
Pleas echoing along deserted halls,

I miss you like a lover torn away,
From the one he cares for and thinks of each day,
When he reaches for her hand, and when he reaches for her kiss,
And theres nothing there, only memories of this,

I miss you as a lover,
I miss you as a friend,
I miss your words,
Of how we wouldn't end,

I miss you as a tree,
And i miss you as a cloud,
I miss you with every tears i cry,
Each tear shows I'm so proud,

I miss you as i fall apart,
And i reach out for you touch,
And then i remember you're not there,
God i miss you babe, just so much i do.


Friday 23 April 2021

..UnReachable Destiny,

Our love
Fills our hearts and our souls
Thoughts of one another engulf our dreams
We reach out for each other, craving our touch
But we are apart

We are soul mates
Both of us spun in a life of our own dreams
Passing briefly, touching once
Then by the fate of our pathways
Forced again to separate

The longing within us both
Consuming the thoughts and acts of our lifetime
Why have we been apart so long
Where is our united path
Why is destiny and reality not the same

Driven by the unconscious dream
The heart knows it’s partner
For it beats in the same harmony
Never at peace until the echo of
It’s mate beats beside it

Eternity is ours
But for today, It is our unreachable destiny

_keyur_everything Burning Desire,

You came in my life like an ANGEL.
I was live deadbody which was not having any treatment to live or to love.
& you came like a medicine of my everything.
I was walking on a road without destiny, without partner and without joy of the journey, i was just travelling.
& You came, you came and became my TRAVELLER and hold me without asking, without looking at me and you just started even walking with me, i looked at you but you avoid even and direct me to look on the road and beauty of surrounding. You made me comfortable and i started looking at your pointing sceneries and i could watched them through your eyes that how beautyfull that is.

You found me intrested and you started making my journey happy. You added smiles, laughs, nottiness, secrets, respect and care.
You added that so purely.
You make sure too that am i ok now? Between your actions to make me stable and joyful.
I could found my self back, i became happy and i fell in love with you.

Suddenly all beauty of surrounding and road i looked in you, in your face, in your eyes.
I stopped you, i turned you towards me and i said,
You smiled, accepted and hold my hand again without hesitation and started walking again.
I loved that you understood me without any words.

You understood that it was not a demand. It was just my confession and you accepted that purely.
Now we both were travelling with happiness and joy.
And now i am observing what an wornderfull togetherness of us.

You gave me th hold which is unbeaten for me.
You gave me th hold which is actually fairytale for me.
You gave me th hold which is GOLD for me.
You gave me th hold which is best of the world.
You accepted my proposal of Friends Forvever.
You are not misunderstanding me
You are not judging me
You are not defining me
You are not expecting anything
You are not demanding
You are not ownering on me
You are not arguing me
You are not letting me down.
You are not even loving me but
You are just and just travelling with me.

What better then this i can get? Thats why may be you are my PROUD

And we found the same and awarded the same titles to each others
You are PROUD of my life &
I am GENTLEMAN of your life.
We just shared and now a moment you stopped me here.
I was confused and in some moments i realized that you stopped me on a point were i have mirrors around me.
I only can look my self around me.
I can watch my beaty, my confidence and my strength in surrounding. Positiveness is all around me. I am so happy to watch my self as this. And this is overjoy for me.

I turned towards you and you said,
"'..i dont know about your destiny, but this is how you and journey looks. I dont know about next turning but i am there forever with you while being together or living far away.."'

And you won me there. I am at the point where i lost words and now,

I want to KISS you.

It sometimes physically hurts not to kiss you.
I don't want to look into your eyes,
because I don't want to see the confusion in them.
I don't want to explain myself.
I just want to feel your breathing on my face as
my lips fit onto yours.
I want to slip my thumb
under the line of your jaw,
and tip your head back,
to expose your beautiful, long neck.
I want to run the tip of my nose along it
and to hear nothing but our breathing.

Sometimes I look at that face and
it's like I've been hypnotized,
I want to hold your face with my palms, i want your eyes close and i want you to be feel the transfer of my lovefull feelings from my heart to your through the lips.

my greatest desires want to come out.
I want to kiss you sweet god in another life
I would kiss you. And then afterward,
I will do what i used to do, i will press a soft hand towards your lovely face
and wash the memory from it.

I wish to do the same. And this is my non-intentional intension.

So dear, i am proposing you,
That may i KISS you with my all love once??

And you said.....!!?


..Talking Eyes, (Gujarati version)

Jyare pan hu te nayano ma jou chhu,
maru hriday dhabkar chuki jaay chhe,
maru sthir magaj chakravaat ma fasai jaay chhe
Hu mara potana j pag par ek fundardi khai lau chhu ne maro chehro sharam ma dubi ne laal thai jaay chhe. Ohh, etlu badhu eksathe thai jaay chhe, Mane jane chakkar anubhavay chhe.

Yaad karu to, hu najar madaavu chhu,
Tyare e chehro sundar pan jhankho janay chhe
Te aankh ni kikio jane teddy bear ne j madti aave chhe.
Moti, kaadi-kamangaari ne ghati
Teni chamak ne hu nihaalu chhu.

Yaad karu to, te maari aatma ne vindhi nakhe chhe mari potani aankho thaki
Jaane mrutyu taraf lai jaay chhe.
Xan ma j hu ekdam ullaas udbhavu ne
Varnavi na sakay em mara thaki te felaay chhe.
Mara tark-sangat na vicharo khota, munjhayela ne khovayela janay chhe.
Hu te aankho ma kaid thai jau chhu
Ek daya no kaidi banine tya j utaaro lai lau chhu
Jaane swaas levani taklif thi tya sukoon madyu hoy

Yaad karu to, te aankho vaato kare chhe
Vaayda kare chhe khushio ane umang na,
Swarg ane ek shashwat sampurnata na.
Te mari aankho ne protsaahit kare chhe khulva mate, aa maatr swapn j nathi e jova mate,
hakikat je me swapno ma nihaali chhe,
Maru magaj tene chitarva lage chhe ne hu stabdh thai jaau chhu

Yaad karu to, hu ene jaane chamtkaari rite sambhadu chhu,
Jaane udaasin ane shant,
Jaane garud ni aankh na vedh ni jem sparsh-vihin
Vicharo ne vanchva ma asamarth,
Khulle-aam darr ma aajiji karto,
Potana aatma ni undaai ma najar karva
Jaane ek haji mauka ni vinanti karto.

Yaad karu to, teo chume chhe mane,
Jakde chhe mane, batku ne nakhoriya bhare chhe mane,
Teo achal aalingan aape chhe mane
Ane vaaydao kare chhe, anant prem, sambhaad, samjhan ane vishwas na

Yaad karu to, mane chokhavat thay chhe,
Mara vicharo shant thay chhe
Tem chhata hu bhuli nathi sakto,
te aatmiy aankho no mitho traas,
Je shabdo sambhadva ni chaah chhe tene na bolvani zid,
Ane lambe sudhi tena aatma ma undaan sudhi kaik sodhvani mehnat,

Pan, mane game chhe,
Taro jovano andaaz mane game chhe,
Taro aankho thi vaato karvano andaaz mane game chhe,
Temne anant sudhi vanchvu ne sambhadvu mane game chhe,
Temnu van-kahi bhavnao nu aam kahi jau mane game chhe.


Thursday 22 April 2021

..Talking Eyes,

When i just look into those eyes
my heart skips a beat
my head spins endlessly
I trip over my own feet
my face turns red
and I feel faint

As I walk by, I stare back into them
the face is a blur though beautiful
the pupils resembling a teddy bear's
they are big, black and bright
a sparkle in them I notice

As I walk by, they pierce into my soul
reaching for the depths
through my very own eyes
In a moment I feel sublime
inexplicable joy permeates through me
my rational thoughts amiss
confused and lost
I am latched onto those eyes
a prisoner at their mercy
Uselessly I squirm
as I struggle to breath

As I walk by, they speak clearly
promises of happiness and joy
of paradise in eternal perfection
encouraging me to open my eyes
for this is not a dream
but a reality that I dreamed of
my mind reels as I steady myself

As I walk by, I manage miraculously
looking indifferent and cool
untouched as the eagle eyes prod
failing to read my mind
openly pleading and desperate
wishing for one more chance
to look into the depths of my soul

As I walk by, they were kissing me,
Grabbing me, biting me and nailing me.
They are constantly just hugging me promising me for unbeaten love, care, understanding and trust.

As I walk by, my mind clears
my thoughts settle
but even now I cannot forget
those soulful eyes haunt me
speaking words I want to hear
and I secretly long
to look into the depths of that soul

I love the way you look,
the way you talk with your eyes,
I love to read and listen them continuously,
the way they speak untold feels.


Wednesday 14 April 2021

...your Hug, -2

The hug you gave me was special.
I’m a connoisseur of hugs,
So I would know.

It was not the side hug.
What a horrible invention.
The awkward hug.
The hug that doesn’t want to hug.

It was not the friend hug.
A pleasant hug,
But around the shoulders.
Longest and not been embarrassed.

It was not the family hug.
Tight and close.
It’s full and comforting,
The best of hugs.

I’m not sure what you gave me.
Not a hug, more like a gift.
Jumping into my arms
Like you needed them.
When it was I who needed you.

Your soft cheek on mine,
Arms thrown around my neck,
my fingers on your back and hairs
like they already knew the lines

We talked, we exchanged a lot
A lot like helping each other
Answer of all the question
May be not, but just only support

The fact was, we streached that time
As we not wanted to let go each other
It was a big care, bigger than that hug
It was peace and much everything unnamed

Its was like my mom pampering me
Trying to avoid my fear of darkness
It was like a doctor consulting patient
Trying to convince all gonna be fine

It was like father inspring son
Trying to energise him for the start up
It was like hubby caring her wife
Trying to calm while she is delivering

It was like brother securing her sister
Trying to motivate her to ignore mistakes
It was like a friend doing with a friend
Trying to explain just its ok to be not ok.

I found you everywhere, you took me everywhere
I stopped there even time done too
I woke me up actually by made me sleepy
It was a perfect perfection for my every question

...Much more will be explained soon,

Thursday 8 April 2021


I am writing to apologize for the way I acted the today. I admit it was a terrible mistake. I was wrong to invade your personal space. I realize that my actions cannot be justified, and I am sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart. If I could turn back time, I would go back to that time and do things differently. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

I value our friendship and would hate to see it go up in flames like this. We've been through a lot together, and I don't like it when we fight. I know I hurt you, and that is why I am asking for your forgiveness. The past few hours have been unbearable without talking or hearing from you. I miss laughing with you and crying with you, all the good times we've spent together, the trouble we've got into together, our silly little conversations. I miss you, sunflower.

All in all, I am honestly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I hope you can and will forgive me. I promise it won't happen again. Let's put all this behind us and start over. What say you? Please call me. You can scold me, scream at me, shout on me, punish me, order me, argue me, insult me, or ask for anything what can make you to feel satisfied against that time and I'll take it so long as you forgive me. I even can lose you, if it will make you comfortable to wipe that time forever, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon my dearest friend. I love you...



She dances
A little timid, a little shy
Such beauty and grace
Before the world's eye

Letting loose upon the night
Rhythmically empowered
Under a cascading light

She dances
With overwhelming pride
Raw feelings and emotions
No longer hide


She dances
Emotionally intertwined
Her heart beat echoes
To an unseen rhyme

Feeling whole again
An intense pulsation
Vibrating from within

She dances
Allowing her to be
She sets herself free

When she dance,
She becomes alive.
She becomes nude by removing cloths of outer character,
She becomes independent,
She becomes happiest,
She becomes self power,
She becomes satisfaction,

When she dance,
Her face dances, Her eyes dances,
Her soul, Her Hair dances,

When she moves, when she bounce,
She operates time to flow,
She operates light to glow,
She operates beats to low,
She operates rhythms to slow.

She becomes free bird,
She let her hidden self come out from her and enjoy the world


Friday 2 April 2021


If i lose you i will never be the same anymore,
i will lose my best friend, my soul mate, my smile, my laugh and everything.

Once i lose you there will be no more sunlight, no clear skies, just like the clouds my eyes will do the same cry until you make the tears go away, if you walk away it will rain.

I cannot lose you because if i lost you everything would be meaningless, I wandered into the darkness looking for something to bring happiness to my life, something real. I found you and ill be ****** if i lose you.

You mean more to me then you'll ever know! I've fallen so hard for you, that if i ever lose you, ill lose myself. 

If you were a tear i would never dare to cry. I might lose you.! I don't think you'll ever understand how afraid i am of losing you Sunflower, My worst fear is losing you 
Maybe im scared because you mean more to me than any other person.

You are everything i think about, everything i need and everything i want.
Stay. No matter how hard it is being with me, just stay. I need you!

I get jealous very often, i get jealous so easily and its only because i dont want to lose you 
Even though i know things won't always last forever, I want to have you for as long as i can.

Youre the one who brought the happy feeling inside me again. i haven't felt like this since i was with family, when my family would make me laugh and i dont think ill ever want to lose my happiness again. 

Please don't go anytime soon. You make me really happy and i cant risk losing someone like you.

My nightmares are usually about losing you, I don't want us to be strangers again. I dont want to lose you after all weve been through, all the pain we push past , all those beautiful memories.

Promise me, promise me youll never leave.
I dont wanna lose you sh, please dont ever let me.You see i love you and i dont want to lose you because my life has been better since i found you.
This all is not my kind of feels if i will lose you.
When i lose you, i will actually get you forever.
When i lose you, i will give my self to you forever.
When i lose you, i will merge us together forever.
So, please make your self free, you should not be afraid for what will happened when i lose you. I will live, laugh and be happy forever. Beacuse i will always remind, that you are somewhere living by missing me.

Youll miss me whenever youll smile
Youll miss me just you driving while
Youll miss me whenever youll be understood.
Youll miss me whenever youll share your food
Youll miss me whenever youll cry
Youll miss me whenever youll shy
Youll miss me whenever youll be hugged 
Youll miss me when headphones will be plugged 
Youll miss me while sharing bad
Youll miss me while sharing bed
Youll miss me when youll be kissed
Youll miss me when youll be missed
Youll miss me whenever you feel care
Youll miss me whenever youll have things rare
Youll miss me whenever youll breathe
Youll miss me at th end of death

This all just beacuse you are all in me,
& i just live, live originally in you..



. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...