Thursday 22 April 2021

..Talking Eyes,

When i just look into those eyes
my heart skips a beat
my head spins endlessly
I trip over my own feet
my face turns red
and I feel faint

As I walk by, I stare back into them
the face is a blur though beautiful
the pupils resembling a teddy bear's
they are big, black and bright
a sparkle in them I notice

As I walk by, they pierce into my soul
reaching for the depths
through my very own eyes
In a moment I feel sublime
inexplicable joy permeates through me
my rational thoughts amiss
confused and lost
I am latched onto those eyes
a prisoner at their mercy
Uselessly I squirm
as I struggle to breath

As I walk by, they speak clearly
promises of happiness and joy
of paradise in eternal perfection
encouraging me to open my eyes
for this is not a dream
but a reality that I dreamed of
my mind reels as I steady myself

As I walk by, I manage miraculously
looking indifferent and cool
untouched as the eagle eyes prod
failing to read my mind
openly pleading and desperate
wishing for one more chance
to look into the depths of my soul

As I walk by, they were kissing me,
Grabbing me, biting me and nailing me.
They are constantly just hugging me promising me for unbeaten love, care, understanding and trust.

As I walk by, my mind clears
my thoughts settle
but even now I cannot forget
those soulful eyes haunt me
speaking words I want to hear
and I secretly long
to look into the depths of that soul

I love the way you look,
the way you talk with your eyes,
I love to read and listen them continuously,
the way they speak untold feels.


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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...