Friday 2 April 2021


If i lose you i will never be the same anymore,
i will lose my best friend, my soul mate, my smile, my laugh and everything.

Once i lose you there will be no more sunlight, no clear skies, just like the clouds my eyes will do the same cry until you make the tears go away, if you walk away it will rain.

I cannot lose you because if i lost you everything would be meaningless, I wandered into the darkness looking for something to bring happiness to my life, something real. I found you and ill be ****** if i lose you.

You mean more to me then you'll ever know! I've fallen so hard for you, that if i ever lose you, ill lose myself. 

If you were a tear i would never dare to cry. I might lose you.! I don't think you'll ever understand how afraid i am of losing you Sunflower, My worst fear is losing you 
Maybe im scared because you mean more to me than any other person.

You are everything i think about, everything i need and everything i want.
Stay. No matter how hard it is being with me, just stay. I need you!

I get jealous very often, i get jealous so easily and its only because i dont want to lose you 
Even though i know things won't always last forever, I want to have you for as long as i can.

Youre the one who brought the happy feeling inside me again. i haven't felt like this since i was with family, when my family would make me laugh and i dont think ill ever want to lose my happiness again. 

Please don't go anytime soon. You make me really happy and i cant risk losing someone like you.

My nightmares are usually about losing you, I don't want us to be strangers again. I dont want to lose you after all weve been through, all the pain we push past , all those beautiful memories.

Promise me, promise me youll never leave.
I dont wanna lose you sh, please dont ever let me.You see i love you and i dont want to lose you because my life has been better since i found you.
This all is not my kind of feels if i will lose you.
When i lose you, i will actually get you forever.
When i lose you, i will give my self to you forever.
When i lose you, i will merge us together forever.
So, please make your self free, you should not be afraid for what will happened when i lose you. I will live, laugh and be happy forever. Beacuse i will always remind, that you are somewhere living by missing me.

Youll miss me whenever youll smile
Youll miss me just you driving while
Youll miss me whenever youll be understood.
Youll miss me whenever youll share your food
Youll miss me whenever youll cry
Youll miss me whenever youll shy
Youll miss me whenever youll be hugged 
Youll miss me when headphones will be plugged 
Youll miss me while sharing bad
Youll miss me while sharing bed
Youll miss me when youll be kissed
Youll miss me when youll be missed
Youll miss me whenever you feel care
Youll miss me whenever youll have things rare
Youll miss me whenever youll breathe
Youll miss me at th end of death

This all just beacuse you are all in me,
& i just live, live originally in you..


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