Thursday 8 April 2021


She dances
A little timid, a little shy
Such beauty and grace
Before the world's eye

Letting loose upon the night
Rhythmically empowered
Under a cascading light

She dances
With overwhelming pride
Raw feelings and emotions
No longer hide


She dances
Emotionally intertwined
Her heart beat echoes
To an unseen rhyme

Feeling whole again
An intense pulsation
Vibrating from within

She dances
Allowing her to be
She sets herself free

When she dance,
She becomes alive.
She becomes nude by removing cloths of outer character,
She becomes independent,
She becomes happiest,
She becomes self power,
She becomes satisfaction,

When she dance,
Her face dances, Her eyes dances,
Her soul, Her Hair dances,

When she moves, when she bounce,
She operates time to flow,
She operates light to glow,
She operates beats to low,
She operates rhythms to slow.

She becomes free bird,
She let her hidden self come out from her and enjoy the world


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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...