Wednesday 14 April 2021

...your Hug, -2

The hug you gave me was special.
I’m a connoisseur of hugs,
So I would know.

It was not the side hug.
What a horrible invention.
The awkward hug.
The hug that doesn’t want to hug.

It was not the friend hug.
A pleasant hug,
But around the shoulders.
Longest and not been embarrassed.

It was not the family hug.
Tight and close.
It’s full and comforting,
The best of hugs.

I’m not sure what you gave me.
Not a hug, more like a gift.
Jumping into my arms
Like you needed them.
When it was I who needed you.

Your soft cheek on mine,
Arms thrown around my neck,
my fingers on your back and hairs
like they already knew the lines

We talked, we exchanged a lot
A lot like helping each other
Answer of all the question
May be not, but just only support

The fact was, we streached that time
As we not wanted to let go each other
It was a big care, bigger than that hug
It was peace and much everything unnamed

Its was like my mom pampering me
Trying to avoid my fear of darkness
It was like a doctor consulting patient
Trying to convince all gonna be fine

It was like father inspring son
Trying to energise him for the start up
It was like hubby caring her wife
Trying to calm while she is delivering

It was like brother securing her sister
Trying to motivate her to ignore mistakes
It was like a friend doing with a friend
Trying to explain just its ok to be not ok.

I found you everywhere, you took me everywhere
I stopped there even time done too
I woke me up actually by made me sleepy
It was a perfect perfection for my every question

...Much more will be explained soon,


  1. wishing u a many many happy returns of the day A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always. Happy birthday!”🎁🎊🥳🎉🔥
    Stay blessed and happy,keep shining 🌟🌟

    1. This means a lot from fans. A very big thank you for your warm wishes and blessings. Stay happy however you are



. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...