Friday 23 April 2021 Burning Desire,

You came in my life like an ANGEL.
I was live deadbody which was not having any treatment to live or to love.
& you came like a medicine of my everything.
I was walking on a road without destiny, without partner and without joy of the journey, i was just travelling.
& You came, you came and became my TRAVELLER and hold me without asking, without looking at me and you just started even walking with me, i looked at you but you avoid even and direct me to look on the road and beauty of surrounding. You made me comfortable and i started looking at your pointing sceneries and i could watched them through your eyes that how beautyfull that is.

You found me intrested and you started making my journey happy. You added smiles, laughs, nottiness, secrets, respect and care.
You added that so purely.
You make sure too that am i ok now? Between your actions to make me stable and joyful.
I could found my self back, i became happy and i fell in love with you.

Suddenly all beauty of surrounding and road i looked in you, in your face, in your eyes.
I stopped you, i turned you towards me and i said,
You smiled, accepted and hold my hand again without hesitation and started walking again.
I loved that you understood me without any words.

You understood that it was not a demand. It was just my confession and you accepted that purely.
Now we both were travelling with happiness and joy.
And now i am observing what an wornderfull togetherness of us.

You gave me th hold which is unbeaten for me.
You gave me th hold which is actually fairytale for me.
You gave me th hold which is GOLD for me.
You gave me th hold which is best of the world.
You accepted my proposal of Friends Forvever.
You are not misunderstanding me
You are not judging me
You are not defining me
You are not expecting anything
You are not demanding
You are not ownering on me
You are not arguing me
You are not letting me down.
You are not even loving me but
You are just and just travelling with me.

What better then this i can get? Thats why may be you are my PROUD

And we found the same and awarded the same titles to each others
You are PROUD of my life &
I am GENTLEMAN of your life.
We just shared and now a moment you stopped me here.
I was confused and in some moments i realized that you stopped me on a point were i have mirrors around me.
I only can look my self around me.
I can watch my beaty, my confidence and my strength in surrounding. Positiveness is all around me. I am so happy to watch my self as this. And this is overjoy for me.

I turned towards you and you said,
"'..i dont know about your destiny, but this is how you and journey looks. I dont know about next turning but i am there forever with you while being together or living far away.."'

And you won me there. I am at the point where i lost words and now,

I want to KISS you.

It sometimes physically hurts not to kiss you.
I don't want to look into your eyes,
because I don't want to see the confusion in them.
I don't want to explain myself.
I just want to feel your breathing on my face as
my lips fit onto yours.
I want to slip my thumb
under the line of your jaw,
and tip your head back,
to expose your beautiful, long neck.
I want to run the tip of my nose along it
and to hear nothing but our breathing.

Sometimes I look at that face and
it's like I've been hypnotized,
I want to hold your face with my palms, i want your eyes close and i want you to be feel the transfer of my lovefull feelings from my heart to your through the lips.

my greatest desires want to come out.
I want to kiss you sweet god in another life
I would kiss you. And then afterward,
I will do what i used to do, i will press a soft hand towards your lovely face
and wash the memory from it.

I wish to do the same. And this is my non-intentional intension.

So dear, i am proposing you,
That may i KISS you with my all love once??

And you said.....!!?


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. . . The story starts in a dark room, curtains closed, just the sound of the table clock, and the sound of the  pen tip spreading its ink i...