Thursday 8 April 2021


I am writing to apologize for the way I acted the today. I admit it was a terrible mistake. I was wrong to invade your personal space. I realize that my actions cannot be justified, and I am sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart. If I could turn back time, I would go back to that time and do things differently. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

I value our friendship and would hate to see it go up in flames like this. We've been through a lot together, and I don't like it when we fight. I know I hurt you, and that is why I am asking for your forgiveness. The past few hours have been unbearable without talking or hearing from you. I miss laughing with you and crying with you, all the good times we've spent together, the trouble we've got into together, our silly little conversations. I miss you, sunflower.

All in all, I am honestly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I hope you can and will forgive me. I promise it won't happen again. Let's put all this behind us and start over. What say you? Please call me. You can scold me, scream at me, shout on me, punish me, order me, argue me, insult me, or ask for anything what can make you to feel satisfied against that time and I'll take it so long as you forgive me. I even can lose you, if it will make you comfortable to wipe that time forever, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon my dearest friend. I love you...


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